
Exception when install AspectJ in ME8

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  • #306237 Reply


    Got the following error when try to install AsjectJ, any hint on how to fix this problem?

    An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
    session context was:(profile=com.poweredbypulse.profile-0-rb-578452, phase=com.genuitec.pulse2.client.common.download.PulseCollect, operand=, action=).
    Could not find repositories containing the following artifacts: [osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.ajde,, osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.runtime,, osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.weaver,, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.doc.user,2.0.2.e35x-20100105-0900, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.examples,2.0.2.e35x-20100105-0900, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.mylyn.ui,2.0.2.e35x-20100105-0900, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.pde.build,2.0.2.e35x-20100105-0900, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.source,2.0.2.e35x-20100105-0900, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.source,2.0.2.e35x-20100105-0900, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.xref.core,2.0.2.e35x-20100105-0900, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.xref.source,2.0.2.e35x-20100105-0900, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.xref.ui,2.0.2.e35x-20100105-0900, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj,, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook,, osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.source,]

    #306238 Reply


    Here is what I tried to add

    #306244 Reply



    Can you answer few queries for me to get to the root cause?
    1. Can you copy and paste your installation details? Open MyEclipse IDE, from menu options click on MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details
    2. How did you install ME? Meaning all-in-one installer / pulse / archived update site on top of eclipse classic?
    3. How did you add AspectJ to your ME profile?

    I would recommend you a quick fix using pulse. Please follow below steps –
    1. Open Pulse. If you don’t have pulse, you can download the same from http://www.poweredbypulse.com
    2. Login to pulse. You can also login anonymously.
    3. This will redirect you to the pulse-explorer. Choose “Eclipse – Galileo” realm
    4. From “My Profiles”, right click on “MyEclipse 8.0” and from the context menu click on [Re-install and run]
    5. This will open a wizard which will guide you through the rest of the steps.
    Pulse will automatically fix any dependency issues. Let me know how this works for you.

    #306329 Reply


    Thank joy for your help.
    In fact, before I have got your message, I have tried to uninstall and reinstall ME (again) :).
    Due to unknown reason, during my fresh installation, the aspectj have installed as well.
    Anyway, this unknown reason, have solved my problem

    BTW, I have to played with Pulse, but I got 3 profile In “my Profile” for ME8. Even though I can guess which one is the active. Do you know where pulse have grasp these profile from? (Whenever I uninstall the ME, I have select the “Uninstall (My Eclipse 8.0)” shortcut, not sure why I have leave these profile behind)


    #306335 Reply



    Good to hear you are all set with ME profile and AspectJ. Regarding the uninstaller question – when you uninstall a profile from the explorer, it only removes the installed contents from the disk but leaves the profile under MyProfiles. To remove this completely from My Profiles, you have to actually delete the profile from “My Profiles”.
    If you click on “MyEclipse 8.0”, on the right hand pane notice a section – About this profile. It mentions the install status. If the profile is already installed the install status is installed, else the install status shows – not currently installed. You can delete the profiles which you no longer require by right click the same and choose delete or click on (X)


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    #306421 Reply


    Thank joy for your information. 🙂

    #306429 Reply


    Good to hear you are all set.


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