
Export MobiOne to MyEclipse / Continued Build Support

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  • #352939 Reply


    I have used the dev team to review this.
    You mention it doesn’t work in the MyEclipse web sim, does it work after you build and install on a device?

    #353016 Reply

    Hello Michael,

    have you fixed the problem above?
    The third image above is a screenshot from a app on an iphone 6.

    #353022 Reply


    1: Do you have screen shot of the error msg from iTunes for the missing icon?

    2: The code base for the Mobione sim is pretty much the same as the one for ME, are you running both sims on the same machine?

    3: The textarea scrolling is a known issue when overlaying a scrolling panel. Can you use a textfield instead of the textarea widget?


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