
file size limit for readAsDataURL

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  • #350918 Reply

    I have error message
    “Oops. Your app is chashing due to unhandled exception:null”

    it is displayed in alert-like popup when I try to read big file
    problem starts between size 6.3 and 6.6MB

    probably because of memory limit, can I somehow increase it?
    or exists any workaround?

    #350925 Reply

    Hi miloos,

    Can you share your device model and OS?
    Have you tried something such as splitting up into smaller files to do quicker reads?
    Can you share a sample program to test on some of our devices?
    I did some googling and there could be a number of reasons for the failure.

    #351802 Reply


    have error message
    “Oops. Your app is chashing due to unhandled exception:null”

    it is displayed in alert-like popup when I try to read big file
    problem starts between size 6.3 and 6.6MB

    probably because of memory limit, can I somehow increase it?
    or exists any workaround?

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