
Files deleted from symlinked folders on websphere undeploy

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  • #320382 Reply


    I use folders symlinked from other locations to my deploy location, and when myeclipse undeploys from websphere (which happens fairly often, for example when the ear project configuration is changed or when I change validation configuration), the undeploy process doesn’t check if folders are symbolic links, and instead recurses into them and deletes all of their files, leaving unexpected empty folders. My expected functionality for this would be for myeclipse to merely delete the link, not the files in it.

    9.0 blue edition, win7 x64.

    #320389 Reply


    forana ,

    MyEclipse uses Websphere tools and so the undeploy feature is related to Websphere.

    1) Can you tell us which version of Websphere you are working with ?

    2) Take a look at this thread which is related to the same issue :

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