- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 months, 1 week ago by
Brian Fernandes.
I’m trying to create a new Spring Boot starter project using MyEclipse 2024, Windows 11, Spring Boot 3.3.0, Java 21, and Gradle 8.8. At this point I’m frustrated and under the gun. I need either a fix or workaround for the following
ToolchainDownloadFailedException: No locally installed toolchains match and toolchain download repositories have not been configured. java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
This issue occurs when clicking File: New: Other: Spring Boot: Spring Starter Project. I get this same error whether I select any dependencies or not. Possible solutions from google are unclear.
What can I do? Thanks.
Brian FernandesModeratorBob,
Sorry to hear you’re running into this.
1) I ran a couple of quick checks with the Starter Project wizard and did not run into any issues – I too used Spring Boot 3.3.0, Java 21 and Gradle (though I was not sure where I could specify a version for Gradle, where in the wizard can you do this?).
2) I’m assuming you get this error after clicking Finish – is this correct?
3) Can you share the “Full URL” you see in the field on page #3 of the wizard so we know we’re trying with exactly the same settings?
4) Please share the entire workspace error log with us – will have more details to explain what is going wrong.
5) Since you need to keep moving, here is a workaround.
a) Go to https://start.spring.io/
b) Fill in the fields and click Generate to download a zip of the project.
c) Unzip into a location of your choice
d) From within MyEclipse, choose File > Open Projects from File System and select this directory.The project should now be opened within MyEclipse – you will probably see a migration dialog that will modify it a bit and then you should be able to work with it.
Hope this keeps you moving, we’d definitely like to get the original issue addressed though, if you can send us the above details.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly Brian (as usual!). It was a long week.
Of course, it’s working now. At this point I suspect the issue centered on the workspace, because once I created a new workspace I didn’t see the error. My MyEclipse install is also several years old with multiple updates. But here’s a few answers.
- <Gradle was installed separately – just trying to be complete.
- Upon Finish, correct.
- Here’s one of the simpler attempts, although a higher number included packages didn’t seem to make a difference.
- Can try to find the log or try recreating if you want.
- Importing a zip from Spring was actually my first attempt, with the same error message if I remember correctly. Plus I tried more than one import path. Then I tried the internal version with the same message.
I also think there are a couple of issues with Gradle imports. I saw two issues using the zip created by Spring. First, it appeared that the package imports were ignored, leading to Java imports failing as well as the compiler project setup failing (MyEclipse complaining it couldn’t figure out Object). Second, source directories weren’t marked, nor could I seem to fix that. It means Java files to have the normal syntax marking.
Again, thanks for your help.
Brian FernandesModeratorBob,
Glad the new workspace fixed it (you already knew what to do!) Sometimes it’s just faster to go that route rather than try and figure out what is specifically wrong with the current workspace (especially if it’s an old one)
If you can find the log from the older workspace (it will be in
) that would be useful. But no need to try and reproduce.Must admit we haven’t paid much attention to Grade and Spring Boot (as opposed to Maven and Spring Boot). Are you seeing these issues even in your new workspace? The Gradle support that we do have should have managed both the dependencies on the source folders for sure.