
Form creation

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  • #251170 Reply


    Hey Folks,

    Nice work on the Matisse interface. Just a couple of things so far.

    When creating a form in a project a warning comes back asking for the class to be serialized.

    static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

    It would be nice to have this added automatically, if possible. And last the form code that is generated has a tendency to format incorrectly.



    Well that’s it for now.

    #251199 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thanks for the feedback. The reason we don’t add the serialVersionUID is because you give a false assumption to folks that the class is good to go, but if they *do* plan on serializing it, that is a useless UID and won’t help them with versioning correctly. Most folks that don’t deal with serialization just turn off that compiler warning. This is also the same reason (Especially) that we don’t do this with our hibernate wizards, because it can be important.

    Although I don’t see an option here hurting, I’ll pass it by the team.

    Also, there is actually nothing too special about the code and why it’s formatting weird, if you look at it, it’s just doing that because of your line-wrap setting, the GroupLayout code that get’s generated does A LOT of concatonation of commands (think like StringBuffer: word.doSomething().addSomething().blahBlah())

    #251208 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Thanks for the feedback. The reason we don’t add the serialVersionUID is because you give a false assumption to folks that the class is good to go, but if they *do* plan on serializing it, that is a useless UID and won’t help them with versioning correctly. Most folks that don’t deal with serialization just turn off that compiler warning. This is also the same reason (Especially) that we don’t do this with our hibernate wizards, because it can be important.

    Although I don’t see an option here hurting, I’ll pass it by the team.

    Also, there is actually nothing too special about the code and why it’s formatting weird, if you look at it, it’s just doing that because of your line-wrap setting, the GroupLayout code that get’s generated does A LOT of concatonation of commands (think like StringBuffer: word.doSomething().addSomething().blahBlah())

    Good point Riyad. I will look into the line wrap setting.

    Steve Nelson

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