
Getting default "Darkest dark Theme" background.

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  • #610570 Reply


    When I first installed “Darkest dark Theme” upon restarting eclipse it showed me a window Where It allowed me to select background colors other than the “original” Darkest dark Theme background and the colors of text. I had selected to use one of those options and got everything in dark black but now I want to use the default “Darkest dark Theme” (grey-black) but I don’t know how to get to that window where I can select the background and text appearance colors.

    #610592 Reply



    Thank you for working with Darkest Dark.
    You can change the workbench theme and customize it as per your needs from here : Window > Preferences > DevStyle > Color Themes.
    In the Color Themes page, you can select a dark or light theme as per your choice and further select the icon colors and editor theme.

    Please read these tutorials to help you get started :

    Here is the link to the Learning Center for more help : https://www.genuitec.com/products/devstyle/learning-center/

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    Genuitec Support

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