- This topic has 44 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 10 months ago by
I’m stopped over here – I’ve been working on three updates for over a month, and only 1 is now up on iTunes; my other 2 are stopped due to a problem sent in with the full app coming up on two weeks ago. Can you at at least tell me the status of researching the problem?
support-octavioMemberHi Mike,
I have opened a bug. It is in the queue. I will follow up once the dev team has completed researching it.
Mikelv001MemberHey Guys-
This is becoming super frustrating. I’ve been trying to update three time-sensitive apps up in iTunes since January, and keep hitting software bugs/glitches in the latest software update, and it’s taking weeks to fix/review each problem I hit, as fixes create new problems. I received your latest update last wednesday; immediately installed / ran, and it doesn’t work. App now has a new problem and locks up/stalls out. I immediately sent an email last wednesday, and haven’t heard anything.
Help? Please?
support-octavioMemberHi Mike,
This is the compilation of info for a dev team meeting earlier today:
It’s hard to say if your current issue is a regression problem with the latest mobione. We don’t believe it is but we are investigating. Unfortunately we don’t know how to make your app crash and click through it some but can not exhaustively iterate over every function pt. Is the default html architecture set to ajax or is it static?
We have been running your app on several of our test ios devices to understand what might be happening. The use of the static html architecture is simpler, has fewer moving parts at runtime, but at the expense of loading every screen into the DOM at startup. Why does you app freeze up? It’s hard to say. It could be that it is running out of memory (that is our 1st thought).
We can definitely see that the higher quality graphics such as gradients are impacting performance. We replace the backgrounds of some long lists with solid background to observe the improvement. No one wants to hear that the UX trade-off for performance is required but that is where this is treanding atm. In our technical-rounds tomorrow we will be discussing this in more detail and hope to share some additional guidance. It may take a few more days to work through some ideas we have. Will keep you posted.
Mikelv001MemberHi Octavio.
AJAX. This is setting I’ve been using otherwise scrolling drops to a crawl – please recall the last fix you sent over was due other problems in the AJAX setting only (those problems are gone, now this). To reiterate: This problem comes up when I’ve tried several times to test every nav combination to ensure the screens/information is correct Example: (Chef – Aaron Sanchez – Crossroads – Crossroads screen, then back to Chef screen; repeat on Akira Back; etc.) It’s a lot of moving back and forth through the screens until finally it locks.
support-michaelKeymaster>It’s a lot of moving back and forth through the screens until finally it locks.
Clear. My current thought is that the app/gpu is running out of memory and seizing up. But I can not confirm this. I have not replicated it on our test devices either. Still discussing with dev team on if/how to proceed.
Mikelv001MemberHi Wayne & Octavio-
Two key points to keep in mind:
1. The current version of this app selling in iTunes today was created in September under the then-current version of Mobione, and that version of the app does not have this locking-up problem (and the new update only deleted 4 restaurants, added 2 restaurants, and changed information for 4 existing restaurants -so there wasn’t an extensive amount of ‘new’ screens/data). The only reason I’m trying to update in the current version of Mobione is the functionality of the goto URL (full control) – hence the start of my first questions/problems here on the Board back in January.
2. The app is set up as “Main Screen (4 nav bars for chefs/cuisine/location/name), and as an example – Cuisine screen – restaurants screen – restaurant detail Screen w/additional detail nav bars”. When the app locked, it locked on the Cuisine screen or ‘level 2’. The app would not return to the main screen, and the cuisine screen would not scroll down. But it was possible to select a restaurant from the ones that were visible, navigate to the detail screen, open the map, URL link, and navigate back to cuisine screen – but the cuisine screen would not return/scroll.
Let me know what you think-
Mikelv001MemberHi Wayne & Octavio-
My first Mobione app went to iTunes in July; 3 others went up in September. Thus far, collectively they are selling on average 5-10 per day: wthout any marketing / advertising. Three of these apps provide Vegas information, and that information was current as of last September. As an example, of +/- 1200 retail locations up and down the strip, about 125 have changed after the holidays. Bottom line – it’s crucial these apps which are selling today and tomorrow contain current & correct information – otherwise they’ll likely get pissed off and leave bad reviews.
Overall my strategy was create these apps, THEN push out a marketing program with a website / social media connection to draw customers to my apps in iTunes, plus roll out several others. Today, my whole plan is stopped because of mobione problems – and each day I’m at risk of a someone leaving a bad review because info is outdated, because I can’t get updates to run correctly. And obviously it doesn’t make sense to roll out a marketing approach with my current apps from last Fall, and of course I can’t launch my new apps until my old ones are fixed (same problems).
1. When can I reasonably expect a fix, or detailed analysis of my problem?
2. Can I roll back my updates to the Mobione versions running last Fall – with the simple added capability of the full control use of URL’s?Thoughts?
Unknown AuthorParticipantI get the moving back and forth, too, on a page with a list that has 30 items and 31 toggle widgets. Same behavior when Firefox temporarily runs out of memory.
support-michaelKeymasterupdate: still testing your app. Using an iPhone 4s (16G) I ran through all of the cuisine screens and launched the establishment’s website in popup browser. I did NOT experience any screen lockups. I assume the navigation freeze up is a show stopper bug? Is the scrolling performance worse that the former version?
Mikelv001MemberHi Wayne-
Scrolling with AJAX is perfect – same as the previous version. Yes, the locking is a show stopper bug – I can’t put an app up for sale that I know will lock up and render the app the useless.
Here’s what I did that caused the app to lock three times:
1. Starting with the main screen, nav to Chefs, and you’ll see the Chef list from Aaaron Sanchez through Wolfgang Puck.
2. For each chef, nav to each chef’s restaurant screen.
3. For each restaurant, nav to the restaurtant detail screen (don’t worry about opening up the map/websites).
4. Keep going back and forth through all the combinations, working your way down the list of chefs.
5. After the chefs list is donem then start with the Cuisine, doing the same thing 0 – keep navigating down to the restaurant details screens.In the Cuisine screens is where the app will eventually lock.This will take 10 minutes or so.
I need to find out what’s going on before I send up to iTunes. Is it likely that someone will use the app for 10 solid minutes navigating between screens? Probably not, and the risk of a pissed off user in that regard is low. But if it’s a memory problem I’d like to understand why its appearing now and not before. And my shopping app has significantly more information (and that’s the one that sells, and i want to fix any problems here before I run shopping in the new mobione version).
Let me know what you find-
Mikelv001MemberWayne & Octavio-
Any updates? It’s been two weeks since I reported my last Mobione problem, and 4 days since my post above.
support-michaelKeymaster@Any updates?
Yes but not much progress to report other than I have clicked through every single screen/navigation route in your app (several hours spent without a lockup). I followed the path you recommended and kept going thru the remainder of your app. I let each screen load completely before clicking next or back to navigate. Then I randomly fast clicked trying to get something to goof up.
Do you notice anything different as you go deeper through your app? For example does the loading spinner stop appearing? Or does the load spinner display increasingly longer durations the longer you run the app? Any special observations would be greatly appreciated.
The next step is to switch to older slower devices and hope that something will reveal itself. Feels like a needle in haystack search atm.
Mikelv001MemberHi Wayne-
I did notice the spinner was slightly erratic/jumpy before locking. FYI I’m running a 4S with iOS 6.1.2. I’ll run through again tonight, and give you the results in the am.
Thank you for your help-
Mikelv001MemberHi Wayne-
Judt got it to lock again. Probably 2 minutes of back and forth randomly between screens, and she locked up, interestingly at the Cuisine screen again.