
hibernate throws exception 2.1.7 vs 2.1.7c

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  • #231485 Reply


    in Myeclipse 3.8.4 is the hibernate.jar in version 2.1.7c included.
    This jar seems to work fine
    But in both 4.0 Milestones there is the older jar 2.1.7
    But this version won’t work with my applications. Especially

                configuration = new Configuration();
                sessionFactory = configuration.configure().buildSessionFactory();

    throws an exception. 🙁

    After i had copied the2.1.7c hibernate2.jar into my project, all is working 😀

    #231522 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Carsten thank you for the heads up, to the best of my knowledge we didn’t change any of the Hibernate 2.1.7c libraries, but I will double check.

    I think this may be a red herring, keeping in mind that the code you linked above is valid Hibernate 2.x code, if that is throwing an exception, then something else is likely wrong.

    I wonder if you accidentally added Hibernate 3 libraries to your project?

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