- This topic has 28 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by
Does closing and reopening the file from the editor area not make the pops go away?
We will get back to you soon.–Swapna
Genuitec Support
pcolagParticipantHi. No closing and reooening the file does but make them go away. Only restarting the whole Eclipse gets rid of them.
pcolagParticipantCould this be related to a Jdk compatibilty issue? I’m using openjdk.
Angular IDE works fine with OpenJDK. This looks like an SWT issue specific to your OS. There are no Genuitec or JDK related errors in the log file you shared with us. This is the first report we got about the hover pop persisting even after closing/reopening the file. We will try to replicate it at our end.
In the meanwhile, if possible can you please grab an Eclipse 2020-09 installation and check if the same behavior persists in a non CodeMix editor as well?
Apologies for inconvenience caused.
Genuitec Support
pcolagParticipantThanks for the update and suggestion. I will download Eclipse directly and see if I have the same behavior.
Please note that I am running the OS (centOS 8) as a VM running under Vmware hypervisor. I don’t know if that could be part of the problem, but I just want to throw it out there in case its relevant.
Thanks and Best Regards,
pcolagParticipantI did some investigations on SWT for Centos and understand that these are supported by GTK under Centos. Perhaps I need to consider downgrading to a different version of GTK?
pcolagParticipantI moved to a previous version of AngularIDE and everything is functional again (same operating system environment). So it appears there is some compatibility issues with the newer version of AngularIDE/Eclipse on Centos 8.
I will stay on this older stable version for now since I have already lost too much time with the newer version. It is not really useable in my CentOS 8 environment.
Thanks for your help.
Thank you for checking with Eclipse. Glad that you are up and running with an older version of Angular IDE.
Which version of Angular IDE is working with CentOS8?Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Genuitec Support
pcolagParticipantHello Swapna,
Thanks for your message. Regarding the AngularIDE plugin, I am using the same version as previously (latest version – 2020.4.7.a). So it appears must just be the bundled Eclipse version which is different.
However, I’m not sure about which Eclipse version it is. I can’t seem to find the information about the Eclipse version from the UI (from the «Help -> About Angular IDE» menu. I just used an old bundled AngularIDE installation file that I had from my previous system.
Thanks and Best Regards,
pcolagParticipantHello. It looks like I spoke to soon, because the “non-disappearning popups” problem continued to happen, but it seems it happens less frequently with the older version. Since this older version was working OK on my previous Centos 8 system, I suppose that the problem is relating to an SWT incompatibility with the GTK version on CentOS.
For now, I seem to have found a workaround which is to force Eclipse to use the GTK2 version of the libraries (instead of the GTK3).
I do this by setting the environment variable SWT_GTK3 to the value “0” (false), prior to invoking angularide.
export SWT_GTK3=0
This is a temporary workaround, as Eclipse should normally work with the GTK3 version on modern Linux systems.
Thanks for your help.
pcolagParticipantI was finally able to find the version of Eclipse which comes bundled with the “older” version of AngularIDE which I have reverted to. In the file .metadata/version.ini I found the following information:
pcolagParticipantAlso, the specific version of GTK3 which is installed on my system is gtk3-3.22.30-5.el8.x86_64
pcolag@localhost .metadata]$ vi version.ini
[pcolag@localhost .metadata]$ rpm -qa | grep -i gtk3
Aaron LaraMemberHello! Thanks for the extra details. It really sounds like a more generic issue with SWT (Eclipse) compatibility itself than a CodeMix/Angular IDE issue, can you test with a regular Eclipse install and confirm if you have the same sort of issues there too? Like create a new Java project and work with Content Assist for a few minutes. You can get an Eclipse installation from here
You might get better help in the Eclipse forums
pcolagParticipant@aaronlonin: Thanks for the information. I think you are right that this is a general Eclipse problem rather than a problem which is specific to Codemix/Angular. I will check with the Eclipse forums. Thanks for the information.