
How can App user select image from gallery

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  • #351939 Reply

    In my app I have record keeping tools for horses. Simple fill and save text boxes.
    I would like my users to be able to also select/upload their own images to save in the app next to their horses name.
    Would anyone have any working examples of how I can achieve this?
    Thank you in advance
    ultimately this image will also be populated on other screens.

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    #351944 Reply

    Hi living.horses,

    Check out the PhoneGap/Cordova APIU fourth camera:

    The examples include both how to get images from the camera and from the users camera roll.

    #351953 Reply

    Tank you. I did have a look at this previously, but just ended up confusing myself I think, with what code to ad to button, and what to put into the custom.js file, and so forth.
    I tried so many different options, that I just mumbled it all, and gave up after umpteenth sends to my phone to test out.
    But I will try again, just thought someone might have already done a simple version 🙂
    Again though , thank you 🙂

    #351968 Reply

    Here is a sample of using the camera. You can add the sourceType : Camera.PictureSource.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM, to use the library as per the API docs.

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    #352101 Reply

    thank you Brandon. I will give it a go 🙂

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