
How do I configure a Web project for Tomcat5.0 deployment?

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  • #202602 Reply



    #202607 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    * First creat a new Web Modules project
    1) New Project
    2) Select Type “J2EE”, select subtype “Web Module Project”
    3) Hit finish

    * <OPTIONAL> Right click on project root to add Struts capabilities if you want to do struts stuff (Right click->MyEclipse->Add Struts Capabilities)

    * Setup Eclipse to use a JDK instead of a JRE
    1) Windows->Preferences->Installed JREs->select your JRE, click Edit->JRE home directory, hit “Browse”->Select the install dir of your JDK, NOT your JRE
    2) Hit ok a few times and restart Eclipse

    * Setup application server
    1) Windows->Preferences->MyEclipse->Application Servers->Tomcat 5-> click “enabled”
    1.5) Select the Home directory of your Tomcat 5 install, I would highly suggest you installing it to a relatively short path (C:\Tomcat 5.0) and 1 person in the forums had a problem with spaces in his path, so maybe to be safe “C:\Tomcat5”.
    2) Expand that node and select “JDK” and use the dropdown to select the JDK you setup in the previous step. NOTE: Unless you changed the name, the default name will say something like “j2re1.4.2_03”, so even though it says JRE, if you set it up right its a JDK reference.
    3) Click on the “Launch” node and select “Debug” for good measure.

    * Setup deployment
    1) Click the deployment button in your toolbar
    2) Use the dropdown to select your project you wish to addd deployments too, click the Add button
    3) Select the server from the dropdown list and select either packaged or exploded WAR format, hit ok
    4) Now you can deploy your app!

    Ok you should be all set, did this work?

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