
How do you produce a jar file….

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  • #263648 Reply


    I’m trying to build a plain java application and simply want to produce an executable jar file. The project builds and runs but I can’t seem to get a jar file to be produced. Do I need to create and ANT build file and proceed in that direction?

    Any hints or answers are appreciated

    #263663 Reply


    I am not sure you can do that through Eclipse/MyEclipse. So I would have to say yes, you would probably need to create an ANT build script.
    At least that’s how I usually do it. Others on the forum may know a easier way than ANT or a feature in Eclipse I do not know about.

    #263672 Reply


    Eclipse has a JAR export wizard that can create a JAR for you, but it only runs when you launch the wizard.

    If you want a JAR to be produced automatically after you change any source file, then you will need to hook into the Eclipse build system by adding your own ANT builder. Create a build.xml file that will serve as your ant script. Then Right-click your project and go to Properties > Builders. Then click “New” and select “Ant Build” and then a ant build launch configuration will open and you can browse to your build file.

    #284449 Reply


    I have been trying to figure out how to “launch the wizard” in order to create a jar file. I do not expect to be rebuilding this jar very often and I am not interested in having to learn how to install and use ant – I just want to build the jar.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    #285205 Reply


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