I’ve been using MyEclipse for a few weeks without any problems. Recently, though, simply typing in a JSP editor is next to impossible. CPU utilization is 100%. I have no application servers running and only one file and one project open in MyEclipse. I have no Eclipse plugins installed. I suspect the high CPU usage is caused by validation, so I’ve tried to turn it off to no avail. I’ve gone to Window->MyEclipse->Validation, checked “Suspend all validators” and unchecked “Allow projects to override these preferences” and unchecked “Save all modified resources automatically prior to validating.”
However, my JSP files are clearly still being validated: MyEclipse still underlines many parts of the JSP in yellow and red (signaling warnings and errors). At this point, MyEclipse is essentially unusable and I have to do development in another IDE.
How can I completely disable all validation for JSP, XML, CSS, HTML, Javascript, configuration files, etc?
p.s. platform is linux. heap memory utilization inside MyEclipse is 30M of 254M