I’m running MyEclipse for Spring 2014. The project is setup for a java compliance level of 1.7 and myEclipse is running Tomcat7.
The target server is configured with Tomcat 7.0 and JVM1.7.0_51
I created a test application with just a simple jsp page, exported it to a war file, deployed the war to my server. The test app ran just fine.
I then created the crud tutorial. It works fine running my myEclipse, but will not start when I deploy the war. I’m still trying to decipher the catalina.log, but mostly it seems to be having problems with the spring files. I suspect it’s expecting a number of jars in the base configuration of either Tomcat or Java.
Is there a document that describes how to configure a Tomcat server to run war files generated by myEclipse?