Tagged: webclipse angular project import
- This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by
I created an Angular project in Webclipse and I pushed it from my desktop computer to my Git repository. The root of my repository is the root of my workspace. I cloned the repository to my laptop. But how to import it in Webclipse on my laptop ? I tried “Import existing project into Workspace, but NodeJS is not downloading the modules and I have errors on the project. I tried “Import angular project” but I can’t because it’s already in my workspace.
What is the good way to import the Angular projects ? I thought it will be like for Maven.
Brian FernandesModeratorStef,
Just to be clear, if the root of the repository is the root of your workspace, does the root of the working directory (of that repository) contain a
folder, which in turn contains a.plugins
folder? (trying to confirm that we’re both talking about the same things) If yes, then when starting Webclipse on your laptop, use File > Switch Workspace > Other and specify this directory as the workspace directory (or you can specify this directory in the “select workspace” dialog on startup, if it appears). When this workspace is loaded, it should contain your project. Depending on what exactly you checked in, you may need to runnpm install
within the project (use our Terminal+ view) to download the Node dependencies.Alternatively, it looks like you’ve been able to import the project from within the workspace already – can you tell us exactly what errors you’re seeing when Node is attempting to download dependencies? The output from the console and a screenshot of your workspace with the project expanded would be handy.
Finally, checking in the entire workspace (if that is what you did) into your Git repository isn’t a good idea – what you should be doing is checking in just the project. If you can, I would strongly recommend you redo the initial commit, committing just the project, and abandoning the commit of the workspace directory.
Hope this helps.
StéphaneParticipantHello Brian,
Yes, actually, i just committed the projects to Git. The root of the repository is the root of the workspace in Webclipse. I didn’t commit the .metadata, .project, .settings or .classpath (i’m have also Java projects).
Thank you very much. I just did the “npm install” and it’s working now.
That’s great news. Thanks for getting back to us.