
How to include Database Views in Scaffold Spring CRUD App?

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  • #319739 Reply


    Using Scaffold Spring CRUD Application, I can only allow to select database tables. Is there any ways that I can select database views?

    If there is no way that I can select database views during Scaffold Spring CRUD Application, please advice how can I have MyEclipse for Spring to generate code for database views with an existing generated code by using Scaffold Spring CRUD Application?

    #319931 Reply


    I’m sorry we do not support scaffolding from views at this time.


    #319932 Reply


    Sorry, for a bit more detail, the issue has generally been that you can’t use JPA to both search and update to views consistently across different DB vendors.

    If you only need to show data and not edit it you could likely scaffold from a table that matches your view and then drop the table and make sure the entity Table is mapped to your view name. This would give you read, but likely not write access to the view.


    #322213 Reply


    JBOSS tools will support scaffolding of views. I use jboss tools to create the Domain and DAO for views and copy the generate code back in to my Myeclipse for spring project. It is a pain the Myeclipse people just need to add this simple thing for us developers.

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