
how to make a MobiOne web app full screen on iphone 6 and 6

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  • #354046 Reply


    I have been working on moving my stuff from Mobione to myeclipse. I have had to learn everything. It has taken a while to setup a webpage to serve the web app files for testing. I have been doing the web app for now because it is easier to send them to people to try on their phones. I will start the native app process soon. I am having trouble with the web apps displaying in an iphone 6 and 6 +. The app is displayed to the left and top of the device screen. I have tried the <meta name =” viewport”> stuff in the custom.html file until I turn blue.

    What am I doing wrong? Any help with getting the web apps to display properly will really help me out.

    #354051 Reply



    Thank you for trying MyEclipse. I have escalated your concern to the dev team.
    They will get back to you soon.

    Thanks for your patience.

    #354072 Reply


    Is there something in a file like “phoneui.js” that sets the max screen size for a web app in MobiOne.

    I know MobiOne is no longer supported, but a hint would really help me with a project.

    I have tried everything within my abilities to get the web app full screen on an iphone 6+, but have had no success.

    Anyone out there have a suggestions?

    Thanks for any help.

    #354074 Reply


    Yes, give up with web apps and concentrate on native. Web apps have not displayed correctly since iOS 7 was released. It’s a mobile Safari thing.

    #354099 Reply


    edited – removed corrupted attachment (20150415)

    Apologies for the late follow up. I worked on the MobiOne team and might be able to help. Please try this replacement phoneui.js (see attached) in your project. The file includes an enhancement for the scaling the UI to the larger iphone6/6+ displays as well as some other mods to work directly with the cordova 3.X plugins.

    Do the following:
    0) download the attachment
    1) make a backup of your current project’s www/res/phoneui.js file
    2) unzip the phoneui.js file and copy into the project www/res/ directory
    3) build and test on iphone6/6+

    #354101 Reply


    Thanks for taking the time to help me. I downloaded and tried the new phoneui.js file. in the simulator and on the device it is only a white screen. I did a mobione build and one time overwrote and one time did not overwrite the new phoneui.js file. when on overwriting in the simulator it is white screen. At least it is different now. I will keep trying things.

    it does not help that I am only now realizing all the resources and behind the scene files needed for web apps to work in the first place.

    again thank you for your help

    #354102 Reply


    Bummer! I was hoping dropping in the phoneui.js file would do the trick.
    A whitescreen error usually indicates that something serious got broken. I suspect that possibly the phoneui.js change goofed up.

    Can you share any error messages available in the simulator console?
    To view the console, launch your app in the simulator. Then right-click in the simulator and choose “Inspect element” from the menu. This will open the Chrome Dev Tools. There should be some error messages in the console that describe why the whitescreen occurs. Please share any details.

    #354103 Reply


    When I tried the new phoneui.js file in MobiOne, I did not update the cordova file for the project. Should I download a certain version and include it in MobiOne and then build?

    I know MobiOne is no longer supported, know that I appreciate any help

    I am using MobiOne version 2.6.3(20140815)

    #354104 Reply


    Document was loaded from Application Cache with manifest
    ripple.html:1 Application Cache Checking event Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED
    ripple.html:1 Application Cache NoUpdate event
    phoneui.js:3001 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token %
    underdrive calculator_custom.js:8 Uncaught ReferenceError: phoneui is not defined
    ripple.js:63715 Viewport tag cannot be parsed: minimal-ui

    #354105 Reply


    Thx for the quick follow up. The error info is very helpful.

    My BAD! This is why you experience the white screen.

    >phoneui.js:3001 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token %
    >underdrive calculator_custom.js:8 Uncaught ReferenceError: phoneui is not defined

    Please delete the previous corrupted version of phoneui.js that I provided. Attached is the replacement version of phoneui.js that I would like you to try.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    #354106 Reply


    Way better!! Now the app is centered and going all the way down to the bottom of the screen. The app is the same width as an iphone 5 but at least it is centered. Looks way better.

    Thanks for trying. Everyone else said to give up, but a web app is so easy to send a link for testing and running on all sorts of devices.

    Again thank you Michael

    #455193 Reply


    any update to this problem. My app is centered too and doest fit my iphone6 screen with ios latest update. How can I test the app using iphone 6 in the chrom simulator. Mine is set to iphone 5.

    #455194 Reply


    I have black space at the top and bottom of the screen.

    #455210 Reply


    Ok how about the font size. Why it became larger after the latest ios update in my iphone6.

    #455211 Reply


    Also, The first screen in my app comes first with a white space at the bottom then when the status bar appears in black, it shift down to its normal place. How can i remove this bouncing effect. how do i turn off the splash screen. And how to make the status bar backgroung transparent?

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