
[HOWTO] Create a Project with JavaEE and Angular 7and SQL Server DB

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  • #612037 Reply

    Hi All,
    I have this Environment:

    Java EE back-end
    Angular 7 Front-end
    SQL Server as DB

    How can I integrate all?

    Can someone help me?



    #612042 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    I would recommend using MyEclipse as your IDE (this will have tools for Java EE dev and deployment, as well as connectors for SQL Server) as well as DB tools. For the front end development, install CodeMix into MyEclipse. Both MyEclipse and CodeMix can be used with a single MyEclise Pro license.

    This article talks about Angular 2 and Java EE, but it still has steps that will help.

    Let us know if we can provide further assistance.

    #612044 Reply

    this means that I have to learn a new product (MyEclipse) and import my repository’s projects made with Eclipse to MyEclipse..Seems too much effort, or not?

    #612047 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    If you’re already familiar and satisfied with Eclipse for Java EE development, you can just add CodeMix to your existing dev environment for the Angular 7 development support.

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