
I Want save recorded video to default video album

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  • #352623 Reply


    I cant find recorded video ?

    after video recorded give me “use video ” or “retake ” i have no option to save it why ?

    this problem just when work on iphone IOS – but with any mobile android works good why?

    I cant find recorded video ?

    after video recorded give me “use video ” or “retake ” i have no option to save it why ?

    this problem just when work on iphone IOS – but with any mobile android works good why?

    I cant find recorded video ?

    after video recorded give me “use video ” or “retake ” i have no option to save it why ?

    this problem just when work on iphone IOS – but with any mobile android works good why?

    #352628 Reply

    According to the docs the video is automatically saved to the device. It could be saving into the application directory, not the camera roll. In your capture success callback try using the following line to get the location of the saved file:

    alert(mediaFiles[i].fullPath); //you can change the i to 0 to get the first item in the the array, or if you only have one…

    #352633 Reply


    thank u very much fo help me..

    Can I pick up this video or get it or open the file that contains it after recorded automatically .

    thank u very much

    #352650 Reply

    Without having all the code I wold suggest trying something like the following untested code in your onSuccess callback:

    phoneui.playVideo( mediaFiles[0].fullPath ); // try to play the first video in the array

    #352671 Reply


    Thank you very much and sorry for inconvenience

    Can I save the video after record in the main video folder in Mobile not in my application temp folder ? .

    like any video recorded by camcorder .

    can I do it ?

    its very important to me because my app users will upload their videos to my web site and they can’t search in app root or custom path

    for this I want to automatically save video to main video album in mobile or camera roll folder

    Or pleas give me Eseay a way to make my app users can pick up videos and upload it to my sites without search in difficult files within the phone

    my upload page is http://www.healalkalam.com/cloud/

    thank u very much pls help me to do that

    #352692 Reply


    This is the sample code from the phone gap site, it can capture the video and upload it to a website. You will have to have the php code on your server to upload the file, doing a google search for ‘php file upload’ should get you tons of results and samples. Then just change the variable in the upload section to match your website.

        // Called when capture operation is finished
        function captureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
            var i, len;
            for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
        // Called if something bad happens.
        function captureError(error) {
            var msg = 'An error occurred during capture: ' + error.code;
            navigator.notification.alert(msg, null, 'Uh oh!');
        // A button will call this function
        function captureVideo() {
            // Launch device video recording application,
            // allowing user to capture up to 2 video clips
            navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit: 2});
        // Upload files to server
        function uploadFile(mediaFile) {
            var ft = new FileTransfer(),
                path = mediaFile.fullPath,
                name = mediaFile.name;
                function(result) {
                    console.log('Upload success: ' + result.responseCode);
                    console.log(result.bytesSent + ' bytes sent');
                function(error) {
                    console.log('Error uploading file ' + path + ': ' + error.code);
                { fileName: name });
    #352699 Reply



    This model of the project .. video recording works well but the upload to the site does not work ..why?

    – Can I make another button to upload … Or

    – Can you teach me how to save recorded video clips to the video file on the i phone .does not go to the program file

    (Note this actually works in the android system saved in video file automatically.. but does not work in the system iPhone)

    please can you look at the attached file for the project

    thank u

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    #352701 Reply

    If its not uploading its most likely due to the php code of the upload.

    To save to the camera roll I think you can apply this to your options,

    saveToPhotoAlbum: true

    It is set to false by default.
    So maybe something like this should do it (Note I have not tested this):

    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit: 2, saveToPhotoAlbum: true});

    #352703 Reply


    Ok I will place this In the actual button’s On Click run javascript :

    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit: 2, saveToPhotoAlbum: true});

    yes! or no ?


    #352714 Reply

    Yes, you should be able to replace the one you were using beforehand.

    #352897 Reply



    I have used the last code but did not succeed .. I cant access to my video recorded … please help me to find the video ..

    why the video recorded not saved in local video album … how can i do this..
    the problem just with iPhone … but in android every thing is OK ..
    i use iPhone 5
    pleas see attach file with last code..
    pls help me

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    #352924 Reply



    I want save video recorded to video album or default video folder … not in app temp

    any one know how can i do this I record the video but i cant find it on video album..

    pls see to attach project

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    #352945 Reply



    I’m still waiting to respond to help me .. How can I save the video in the local video Album for the iPhone

    #352953 Reply


    How can I save the video in the local video Album for the iPhone

    #352955 Reply


    sorry I know I am annoying

    I want launch camera device and save video after recorded to main photo album or video album for iPhone with mobione

    like this samples on another programs




    important : I want save video to main video album .

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