@support-rkalla wrote:
For all the iBatis folks here, 1) is anyone using iBator? 2) Does the situation with JPA/EJB3 change anyone’s mind that previous didn’t want to use Hibernate?
1) We are using the Abator plugin. You give the plugin the database details (url, username, password) along with a list of the tables from that database you want to use. Given for example that you added the table “Employee” to the list, Abator generates two objects, called “EmployeeModel” and “EmployeeDAO”. “EmployeeModel” simply contains the database fields as variables, together with setters and getters. “EmployeeDAO” on the other hand contains basic CRUD functions. If you want to add a new employee to the database, then all you have to do is basically “EmployeeDAO.insert(EmployeeModel)”.
I’m very satisfied with Abator, but if you consider adding the Abator plugin to MyEclipse, please consider integration with the Database Explorer (so that you can select a table, and then let MyEclipse automatically generate the Model and DAO).
2) I myself started exploring EJB3, and then also discovered Hibernate to do unit testing without having to start JBoss. But most of the programmmers here don’t use it because it takes too much time to learn. Instead they use the much simpler iBatis.