
import datetimeBuilder java error InvalidKeyException

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  • #353098 Reply


    I’ve been struggling through the installation and importing the Mobione Tutorial app.
    Finally got to the build with “run as ant build”
    I get the error message
    datetimebuild: An error accurred in IOS buld
    exception encrypting data – java.security.InvalidKeyException: Illegal key size.

    I find by googling that this can be cured by downloading a zip file from java
    I did this without installing to find the ip contains
    US_export_policy.jar both dating from 2011

    in jre7/lib/security I have these two files dating from 2013

    in jdk1.703_03/jre/lib/security I have these files dating from 2012
    so it would seem that this isn’t the solution.

    any ideas.

    bellow is my instalation report and error log which listes this error.


    Install file and error file attached

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    #353104 Reply


    I tried another build, thsi time as an ANdroid build.
    it was successfull so the problem is just with the ios build.

    #353109 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue. I have escalated it to the dev team. They will get back to you soon.

    #353110 Reply


    I need some information to understand the issue.
    1. what is the signing profile format you have choosen ? private key or .p12
    2. If .p12 then i would like to undertand how you generated the .p12 file
    3. You said you tried another android build and it worked, but the profile you have used is different for android build and iOS build ?

    Once you have given me this information, i will be able to help you better.

    Swapna R
    MyEclipse Support

    #353114 Reply


    For the IOS build used private key.
    I have a private key file and a *.cer file. Does the cer file have to be different for develpoment or publishing. I only have one file though I’ve uploaded a development app and a published app to Itunes.

    For the Andoid build, I just followed remote build, and it worked . I have no Android profile. The generated file apparently works the same as the mobi project. it has a line of text displayed saying something to the affect that it’s a template.

    #353237 Reply


    The .cer file need not be different for development and publishing, it is the provision profile that should be different for development and publishing.
    Can you give us more details on how you generated the .cer file and the .key file ?

    We would like to generate these in same way and try to reproduce the error. Because we were unable to reproduce with the profiles we have, Hopefully with the same approach as yours should help in reproducing the error.


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