
Importing GUI code from Eclipse/Jigloo into M4M?

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    Thoughts, ideas, resources for importing GUI code created in Eclipse/Jigloo into MyEclipse/Matisse?

    I’m pretty much a Java newbie but I have managed to create a little application (with some expert help) with Eclipse/Jigloo, and for a variety of reasons would like to standardize my development toolkit on MyEclipse, and it looked especially attractive now that Matisse is available. So, another question is whether M4M is something that an inexperienced java programmer ought to be dealing with at this point?

    My first look at this seems to indciate that I have to convert the GUI into a .form file. Is this a reasonable thing to be doing? I only found one tool for doing that on the web and it looked pretty sketchy. Even if I manage to get it converted, what do I do with the .form file?

    Any thoughts or pointers on documentation for any of the above would be much appreciated.



    #260502 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Unfortunately there is no direct upgrade path from other GUI tools to Matisse or M4M. Most GUI tools (Except the ones that are exclusively code-centric) suffer from this. There are pros and cons to designing these tools; some groups choose to go the metadata route like Matisse and others choose to go the complete code-centric/real-time evaluation route like VE or Window Builder.

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