
Incorrect multi-line comment

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  • #582652 Reply

    Fedor Losev
       // test

    select two lines, press CTRL+/


    //  // test
    //   123


    #582763 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Fedor, you’re correct, I could reproduce this and have filed it as a bug against the Webclipse TS editor.

    On another note, I would like to repeat my invitation to give CodeMix a try – you can easily disable it if you don’t like it, and I know a few of the issues you have reported are fixed in the CodeMix – for example, this issue with comments does not exist, the shortcut works the way you expect.

    #582767 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    Thanks, I’ll give it a try. Can/should I install CodeMix into the WebClipse with existing projects? Or is it going to be a complete replacement for the AngularIDE and should be installed from scratch?

    #582772 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    You can install it on top of your existing Webclipse install – we’ll automatically switch to using CodeMix editors and validation. If you want to go back, you can uninstall it, or use the Preferences > Codemix page to disable it.

    CodeMix installed by itself already has TypeScript validation, content assist, and detailed Angular support too (as long as you install the Angular pack – will be automatically suggested). I will say however, that there isn’t a 1:1 correspondence between the features in Angular IDE and those in CodeMix, though we are getting there. For example, currently, CodeMix does not have some Angular Service/Component wizards, the Servers view integration or CodeLive.

    Ultimately, we will be rebuilding Angular IDE on the CodeMix platform, giving you the best Angular experience, retaining/improving existing features and adding new ones.

    Looking forward to your feedback!

    #582782 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Fedor, you might find the Webinar we did on CodeMix, especially for existing customers, interesting as well. Watch here: https://www.genuitec.com/docs/webinars/codemix-for-genuitec-customers

    #582784 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    Yep, already watched it a minute before. Seems very promising, but need to find the time for setup.

    Regarding features which are available in AngularIDE but are not (currently) in CodeMix, do I understand right they will not work when CodeMix is turned on? Or if I install CodeMix into the existing AngularIDE I’ll get best of both?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Fedor Losev.
    #582795 Reply



    You should generally get the best of both. You can decide if you want to turn on CodeMix validation or just keep using Angular IDE validation. You’ll find the CodeMix editing for Angular better than base Angular IDE right now so definitely a plus just for editing smarts. No need to stop using functionality from Angular like the Servers view. Some items like the Terminal+ in Angular IDE you’ll want to keep using as it does CLI setup / management whereas CodeMix doesn’t have that yet.

    All said, you can definitely use the best of both.


    #584502 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Just thought I’d check in – have you had the time to install CodeMix? If yes, any initial thoughts? We’d love to hear what you think of it so far.


    #584544 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    Hi Brian,

    I played with it briefly but meantime disabled it, we have a tight schedule now so I don’t have the time to research/submit reproducible cases. I will try later as it involves.

    Most critical is errors handling/appearance in the Problems view. There seem to be two independent compilers for a project and opened files that do not sync properly, maybe tscofig problem below is related or maybe it is something in my project/workspace configuration.

    – It doesn’t always show all errors after clean until you open the file. Errors erratically pop and go depending on open files and project clean sequence. I’m not sure if these are duplicate errors, they are related to the same code but the wording seems slightly different at first glance.

    – Errors for an opened file in Problems view don’t always go away when you fix the error, until clean (but error marks go away in the file).

    – Errors in problems view not always appear in the file as marks.

    – Some warnings start to appear duplicated as errors after you open file (and errors go away after clean), even when I copied project tsconfig to the root tsconfig (which removed most warnings like experimental decorators).

    – After enablgin/disabling CodeMix few times, with CodeMix disabled the Problems view stopped to update completely and files themselves did not show errors until edit after fresh IDE open. This was fixed after I uninstalled CodeMix completely from Ecipse/About.

    Some less critical (from what I saw briefly, of course, not an exauhsting list):

    – Doesn’t work properly with project-specified tsconfig.json. The project/clean uses the project specific json and when you open the file it uses instead root tsconfig.json or some default if not present.

    – Syntax coloring was completely changed to hard to read pale blue all over, I didn’t find a simple way for restoring standard syntax. Even if I change colors by hand, there is no way to export/import so one has to do this for every workspace / installation.

    – Type search
    — too much delay when typing, feedback should be instant as one frequently types based on the feedback
    — arrow down switches focus to list, this is inconvenient behavior. Arrows should select next/prev item for the Enter action but stay focused in the input box.
    — no icons for interface, function, etc., no include options like in old type search

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Fedor Losev.
    #584802 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    We appreciate that very detailed feedback. We were aware about marker issues, and several were fixed in a past build. Clearly some significant bugs still exist and we’ll be taking much deeper look at them. The one question I have – was this mostly in TypeScript files or other files too?

    Clear on the tsconfig.json issues – it’s important that those work like they do in Angular IDE.

    On Type Search – do you mean what you get when you press Ctrl + O? While I could replicate the problem with the down arrow, it was pretty fast for me. As you stated though, I could see some icons repeated. Again, I’m assuming this was in TypeScript fles?

    #584804 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    Issues were on TypeScript, though I didn’t look specifically into angular html templates or js yet. One thing I did note is that the syntax coloring of package.json was particularly poor, with everything colored the same and being indistinguishable.

    I didn’t try Ctrl+O on CodeMix, sorry for not being clear, type search I mean Ctrl+Shift+T (Open Typescript Symbol dialog in AngularIDE). Refactoring it to a fluent popup is welcome, but functionally it is good as is (that said, I almost never use checkboxes there except unchecking “Limit search”).

    #585194 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    By the way, will CodeMix integrations also improve Angular template validation?

    Many old template related bugs are still open, especially lacking type in some structural directives e.g. https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/no-type-in-ngfor-for-iterable-interface-in-template-validator-autocomplete/. It is not just inconvenient (as there is no code assist), there is no any validation of incorrect assignments in a template, hence making template coding much less safe, putting on programmer the burden of manual type correctness check and leading to subtle bugs. And it hits hard exactly when validation enforcement is absolutely necessary: read-only types.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Fedor Losev.
    #585410 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    1) package.json coloring – noted, I’ll see if we can change this.
    Something that should make up for this though is the fact that you can use content assist for modules and module versions too (CA will show you the latest version).

    2) Filed a bug so that we can look at the performance here. Just to be clear, you can unbind this and go back to the old behavior form Window > Preferences > CodeMix > Bindings

    3) Angular template validation
    We have a list with all the template issues that our users have raised (especially those raised by you) and we hope that the Angular Language Service which is directly used in CodeMix will fix many of them. As you have seen, this is not true for all issues, but being able to work with the language service directly gives us a better base on which we can make these core fixes. I’m sorry we haven’t been able to address these sooner.

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