
Installation of MyEclipse 10 on ubuntu

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  • #397686 Reply


    I’m transitioning from Windows 8 to Ubuntu and MyEclipse is the final hurdle. On Windows I have MyEclipse 10 under a MyEclipse Professional license and would like to install the same version on my dual booted Ubuntu but I’m unable to find that version to download – is it available?

    I did try the latest linux release in trial mode but it gave me errors and I think I’d be happier transitioning one step at a time, especially as other team members will be staying with MyEclipse 10 for the moment.

    #397785 Reply



    Versions earlier than MyEclipse 2014 are no longer fully supported. We try and assist licensed users working with earlier versions but no fixes will be made to those versions. I recommend you update to MyEclipse 2015, our latest release based on Eclipse Luna. The current license you hold is also valid for MyEclipse 2015.

    All requests for previous releases are handled by our sales team to ensure your complete satisfaction.If you cannot update to MyEclipse 2015 at this point of time, then please send an email to sales@genuitec.com and they will be able to assist you. Be sure to include your name, subscription id, subscription code, MyEclipse version desired, and operating system so they can provide the correct download link without delay.

    Let us know if you see any issues.

    MyEclipse Support

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