in my mind the Google JavaScript Closure Compiler is very usefull and I would love to see it to be integrated in MyEclipse IDE.
Google provides it as an jar file, for offline use. But they also offer a web service and a web gui:
– http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home
– http://code.google.com/intl/de-DE/closure/compiler/docs/gettingstarted_app.html
What does it do?
It optimizes and shrinks java script code.
Here is some example code:
function sayHumppa(name)
alert(name + " says" + " " + "humppa");
If you compile it using the ‘simple’ option it shrinks to:
function sayHumppa(a){alert(a+" says humppa")}sayHumppa("Sepp");
But if you compile it using the ‘advanced’ option the following code will be generated:
alert("Sepp says humppa");
It would be really great to see it being integrated into MyEclipse, so the Closure Compiler runs automatically on all *.js files when you deploy your web-project.
Maybe an option to disable the closure compiler for Debuging would be also usefull then.
Or is there a way to integrate the compiler manually?