- This topic has 48 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 4 months ago by
DinoCrivelliMemberedited by support-wayne: please follow our ongoing updates for iOS7 compatibility here http://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6112
Dear Support-Team
I have two questions.
first question
Next week comes iOS7 and i have my concerns for compatibility. I build my apps exclusively with MobiOne and constructor2 and i will confined myself to webapps. How it looks with apps that i have made a year ago or a month ago? Will these both work fine on iOS7? What’s with the “back” and “telephones” function problem? or even do i need to prepare for further problems?And my second question
Until now, i’ve created apps as a hobby. Now i would like to start my own company, since the feedback of my work is very good and the market in Switzerland still has a lot of potential. Unfortunately i’m not really a programmer, and depending on MobiOne. May i assume that MobiOne supported Android and iOS in the future ? and even perhaps WP8?Thank you for a quick Response, sorry my translated english and
many greetings
regarding ios7 compatibility – see this general announcement https://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6112&p=20330#p20330
>May i assume that MobiOne supported Android and iOS in the future
Yes, for the foreseeable future. There is a general life-cycle for all products including MobiOne. Market forces will continue to shape the product and our long term commitment to it.
>and even perhaps WP8?
At this time there are no plans for wp8 support this year (2013).
DinoCrivelliMemberDear Wayne
I just loaded ios7 on one of my iPhones. The Back button works without any problem on the webapps.
The following functions do not work:– dial phone, (It also does not work with the html-widget and the code. <a href=”tel:+4198765432″>Call me </ a>
– send SMS
– send mailBefore I add the site to the homescreen and the app start from there, all of These three functions operate fine. So the problem seems to be, when I start the app from the homescreen and icon. But not directly from the Safari browser. Whats that? sorry if it has already written about it. I have not read the other topics.
The problem is enormous for me, because I have developed some Apps, which are used as internal telephone books, and the staff want to call it mutually.
Do you have a proposed solution or can I hope that the problem has been eliminated in the final version of ios7 from Septembre 18th?
Best regards
support-michaelKeymaster>Do you have a proposed solution or can I hope that the problem has been eliminated in the final version of ios7 from Septembre 18th?
Working on it now. We can’t promise that ios7 mobile safari support will be fully worked out on day-1 but we are giving it a go. ios7 mobile safari is a different animal that all previous browser implementations. The web is full of product teams, us included, working around/with these challenges.
BrandonMemberFirst of all let me say I am, as most of you know, a huge fan of Mobione. I have created many projects with it, both personal and commercial. I do not see myself not using it anytime in the near future.
That being said it is by no means the only tool I use. As good as it is there are just certain things it either can’t do, or does not excel at. I have several tools I use in my arsenal to create my apps that are both published under my name and under my clients names. But I have found Mobione invaluable for prototyping projects, even when they wont actually be designed in Mobione for the final product.
So, for anyone serious about creating mobile apps and webapps the Mobione is a sound investment and well worth the cost.
DinoCrivelliMemberDear Wayne
Thanks for the quick reply. I know that you give everything and I am of the opinion that since your great, because your MobiOne allows me to be active as an app developer.
If the functions are working directly in the browser, but not as an webapp on the homescreen, that is not a bug of Safari?
DinoCrivelliMemberHi Cincy
not quite right, MobiOne is much too cheap for what it offers! ;o) But do you have a solution for my problem?
best regards
PS. I always observe what you do and you do it well ;o))
DinoCrivelliMemberDear Wayne
I have just noticed that all the previously mentioned functions, concerning:
– Dial phone
– Send mail
– Send SMSwork, if I disable the full screen mode in the Settings of MobiOne. I think you know this already and I thought I share it anyway.
support-michaelKeymasterThanks for sharing this info. I have kicked it over to the dev team.
Also your post to the apple dev forum was not helpful. Chill!
Paul_paulParticipantJust thought I’d throw my comments in, the back button does NOT work in web apps, weird as it may seem it only works on the first use, after closing and reopening my web app it does not now function. Popup alerts do not work either. I made M1 aware of all this and other failures at the beginning of August so it’s not exactly new news.
and more recently here:
http://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6088I have also sent M1 a web app not in current use so they can compare the results between iOS6 and iOS7.
It’s probably a good idea to check previous posts for the same problem before you wade in.
DinoCrivelliMemberHi Wayne
I do not understand. I said something wrong? Maybe google-translat also translated something wrong – maybe I have misunderstood you ;o)
I am relaxed, even if the potential loss of the described functions would eliminate my business concept. webapps with adess and tool bar does not look like apps…
Sorry, I am only looking intensely for an answer for the described failure functions. In the meantime, I’ve noticed that almost all webapps in the net which are built with Fullscreen have the same problem. Whether created with MobiOne, Sencha Touch or other platforms.
I watched about 20 Webapps and all the described functions below iOS 7 are no longer functional. Then I read, how proud Apple on his new Safari browser and the supposedly ingenious full-screen. Perhaps this is indeed a context? Maybe Apple wants to force the toolbar and the address bar in Safari? I don’t know and I don’t hope so.
Above all, I am surprised that I almost find nothing on the net about the loss of these functions in webapps under iOS7.
And sorry if I said or translate something wrong again.
best regards
support-michaelKeymaster> I am surprised that I almost find nothing on the net about the loss of these functions in webapps under iOS7
Everyone that downloaded ios7 beta signed an NDA… not much any of us can say until it goes GA.
Also waiting for the quick resolution to this ASAP.
I’ve got an webapp also.
p.s. using 2.2
support-michaelKeymasterPlease follow our ongoing updates for iOS7 compatibility here: https://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6112