- This topic has 20 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 4 months ago by
Every time I’ve added an image to a background, it’s been the exact same process – selecting the ‘image’ option from the properties / background style, and adding an image that precisely scaled to fit the visible portion of the 4 screen – 320×460. When all apps have been built and distributed to iTunes, the 5 does not scale the image to fit the full 5 screen size – see the attached image. This a 5 screen shot that I’ve used in iTunes for example (as you know, they require screen shots for 4’s, 5’s and ipads). You’ll notice there are black bars top and bottom in the 5 screen shot, so the 4 dimensions are preserved on the 5.
Without changing a thing, now under the ios7 / 5 combo and built under the latest m1 version, these apps are scaling to the full screen size of the 5.
Thus far, I’ve sold over 3,000 of these 6 Vegas and Europe travel apps, and no one has said anything about their purchased apps suddenly being jacked up after updating to ios7. It’s only in the new builds, apparently.
I was planning on updating all the apps to the 5 screen size anyway, just so they would look better / take advantage of the entire screen. But I wasn’t planning on doing that until the winter editions of these apps.
Let me know what you think-
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We did some research and based on the screenshot you provided we learned that your app has been running in what is known as letterbox mode. Letterbox mode was introduced by apple with the iphone5 to enable iphone4 apps to render correctly on the iphone5’s taller display. Letterboxing works by cropping the iphone5 display area down to the iphone4 640×960. MobiOne has never officially supported letterbox mode; it sort of happened by accident. Also the issue is not a result of ios7; it would happen on ios6 if you had rebuilt your apps after we introduced iphone5 support.What to do?
Assuming you want to continue running your app in letterbox mode, we learned this mode is automatically activated if an app DOES NOT include the iphone5 startup image (640×1136). Please rebuild your app and omit the iphone5 startup image in the ios application build wizard. Let us know if your app installs and runs in letterbox mode.
One of my little trademarks is to include a cool startup image for all my apps. This is the one for the Europe Shopping app above. You’ll notice in the 640×1136 size image posted below (which is the 5 startup image for this app) I’ve added black bars top and bottom so it’s effectively the same size as the 4 on a 5 screen. And of course the 4 startup image is the same in 640×960 (without the black bars – just a small 20 pixel black bar for the signal strength – carrier – time bar).
My preference is to leave a cool startup image, so it sounds like I’m back to rebuilding the apps for the 5 size. Also this particular app was launched in March, and my others were updated in the same timeframe, so the no more letterbox change with startups must have occurred since then.
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support-michaelKeymasterIf you are ok with the app running in the letterbox mode I believe that you simply need to omit the iphone5 startup image from the build wizard. The iphone4 startup image will be used in a letterboxed mode creating a similar effect as your mocked up iphone5 image with top & bottom black bars.
Do you have an iphone5 to view the letterbox experience?
See this video of my test app startup up on iphone5 with no iphone5 startup image, only an iphone4 startup image is provided: http://screencast.com/t/TmFF0oLIZ
I do have a 5, and that’s what I used to capture al my apps 5 screen shots for iTunes. I’ve used the 4s as my ‘go to’ for testing – if scrolling, etc works well on the 4, it will be perfect on the more powerful 5’s. I think I’ll reformat the apps for the 5 – it’s something I’ve been planning on doing, and it’s more photoshop work than anything.
Question: if I reformat the apps for the 5….what happens to customers with 4’s? I’ll take a guess the screen images get crunched down to the 320×480 size. Is there a way to build 2 versions of the same app for 2 screen sizes, without doubling the file size… (twice as many screens, every one scaled for a 4 and 5…and you know my apps are content heavy).
support-michaelKeymaster>Question: if I reformat the apps for the 5….what happens to customers with 4’s?
The conventional guidance for developing UIs is to design for the smallest screen.
See this guide http://www.genuitec.com/mobile/docs/advancedUIDesign/advancedUIDesign.html -