I am running myEclipse 3.8.4 on a Windows 2000 machine, with Java j2sdk1.4.2_05 installed. When I use myEclipses refactor tool to change the name of a .jsp file, the java content assist ceases to function. Here is an example of what happens: I create a project. I declare a .java class under the ‘src’ folder, inside a package. I then create a .jsp under the ‘webroot’ folder. The .jsp imports the .java class. Inside the ‘<% %>’ tags I say something like ‘some.imported.package.class myClass = new some.imported.package.class();’ (where some.imported.package.class is the actual name of the class) then type ‘myClass.’ and after I type the period the content assist displays the various methods inside the imported class. Now if I use the refactor tool to change the name of the .jsp, and go back to the .jsp and type ‘myClass.’, after I type the period and press ctrl+space, the message I get is “Java Content Assist is not available for the current cursor location.” I am working in a commercial environment, and the company has licenses for myEclipse. Help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.