My issue has become a problem for us. It would seem the tutorial for Installing WebSphere 6.1, Jax-WS, EJB 3.0 and updates was good when it came out. WebSphere 6.1 is now up to fix pak 37 I believe. As I said, we use Oracle 11g and must have in order to run with that version of Oracle. The tutorial is referencing no update after 13. The file referenced as 6.1.0-WS-WASWebSvc-WinX32-FP0000013.pak is not available and yet it is required in the tutorial. Our company has purchased 6 licenses with the possibility of more but I need to get this to create and run JAX-WS web services using WebSphere 6.1. We are updating WebSphere next year but we have to run until then. I think it is a serious problem to reference older fix paks, some of which may not be available. Please either tell me where to find 6.1.0-WS-WASWebSvc-WinX32-FP0000013.pak or tell me if I can use a newer version of that file. Very much in anticipation here. James Thomas