
Jboss 7.1

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  • #323794 Reply


    I setup jboss 7.1 as a server in Myeclipe 10 on my Mac.

    Enabled the server and pointed to the home dir: /usr/local/jboss

    I am getting an error:

    Unable to access jarfile /usr/local/jboss/jboss-modules.jar

    Thought it might be permissions, so I did chmod -R 777 on jboss dir.

    I got the same error.

    I can start jboss in standalone mode by running the script, but the Myeclipse connector is not working.

    If anyone has any ideas as to what my issue is, please let me know.


    #323797 Reply



    Sorry you ran into this problem. This is a known problem with release 10. There is a stable milestone stream that fixes the issue (it was first seen in Linux/Ubuntu). There is a FAQ entry about the fixes in the milestone stream and how to install it.

    Alternatively, go to the server connector settings page and then click on the Launch item and click the Create Launch Configuration button. This will create a run/debug configuration for the server that will appear as another server entry in the server list. On the Arguments tab, you will see the path to the jar file that appears to cause the problem. It actually has a trailing space in it. Remove the trailing space and apply the change. You can also change the default name given to the server configuration. Use the new configuration name when launching the server or deploying to it.

    Please let us know if this works for you.

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