- This topic has 13 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Bill WinspurMemberHi,
I’m switching to jboss 3.2.3 from orion, and am having some problems with the jboss connector, doubtless of my own making.
When I manually drop a war into jboss/server/default/deploy, it auto deploys and becomes accessible by its url as expected, so jboss is working.
However, using ME’s deploy dialog, on the jboss3 connector, no war is copied from ME to jboss (or to any where else on my hard drives), and
no warning is given by ME.The connector is setup like the example in the help docs, except for the differing locations of jboss and and the jsdk.
ME can start and stop jboss.
I’ve downloaded and installed the latest ME updates.
If anyone can suggest something else I could check to get auto-deploy working out of ME, I’d appreciate it.
What is the difference between the jboss2, jboss3, and jboss4 connectors?
Scott AndersonParticipantBill,
ME can start and stop jboss.
I’ve downloaded and installed the latest ME updates.OK, that’s a good sign.
However, using ME’s deploy dialog, on the jboss3 connector, no war is copied from ME to jboss (or to any where else on my hard drives), and no warning is given by ME.
I assume you asked for packaged deployment if you’re looking for a war. Have you tried exploded deployment? Does that seem to work?
It would also help greatly if you’d check the eclipse log file to see if any errors are being reported there. It’s located at <workbench-location>/.metadata/.log. Addtionally, if you could post the answers to all the questions we ask in the ‘Posting Guidelines’ thread at the top of this forum, it would certainly help us figure this out faster.
What is the difference between the jboss2, jboss3, and jboss4 connectors?
Each connector is specific to a major release of JBoss, since their launch models are all different. So for JBoss 2.x, use the JBoss2 connector, etc.
Bill WinspurMemberScott,
Thanks for your weekend reply.
The posting guidelines material follows.
The app I’m trying to deploy is a one line html test case, no servlets or any other stuff.
Operating System XP Pro
Eclipse Platform
Version: 2.1.2
Build id: 200311030802
Eclipse was not freshly installed for myEclipse
MyEclips was ugraded to its current version using the update manager
The OygenXML plug is installed.
eclipse/plugins/ contains the following pde entries
MyEclipse Application Server Tooling
Version: 2.6.200
Build id: 200312091200-2.7-RC1
Eclipse runs on j2sdk1.4.2_02
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] Full System Properties Dump
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.runtime.name: Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] jboss.server.base.dir: C:\temp\jboss-3.2.3\server
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.protocol.handler.pkgs: org.jboss.net.protocol
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] sun.boot.library.path: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_02\jre\bin
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] jboss.server.lib.url: file:/C:/temp/jboss-3.2.3/server/default/lib/
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.vm.version: 1.4.2_02-b03
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.vm.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.vendor.url: http://java.sun.com/
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] path.separator: ;
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.vm.name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] file.encoding.pkg: sun.io
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] user.country: US
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] sun.os.patch.level: Service Pack 1
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.vm.specification.name: Java Virtual Machine Specification
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] user.dir: C:\temp\jboss-3.2.3\bin
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] jboss.server.base.url: file:/C:/temp/jboss-3.2.3/server/
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.runtime.version: 1.4.2_02-b03
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.awt.graphicsenv: sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.endorsed.dirs: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_02\jre\lib\endorsed
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] os.arch: x86
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.io.tmpdir: C:\DOCUME~1\BILLWI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\
11:59:35,625 DEBUG [ServerInfo] line.separator:The most recent entry in eclipse/workspace/.metadata/.log is
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 0 Dec 20, 2003 09:41:20.432
which is over a month before I bega using jboss.
Scott AndersonParticipantConfig looks good, what about the exploded deployment test? Did you get a chance to run that?
Bill WinspurMemberScott,
sorry about the delay, I’ve been manually deploying into jboss, wars
generated by ME into orion’s autodeploy directory, which allowed me to
do some obsessive debugging/learning in the jboss environment.Only just got back to this deployment thread. The exploded deployment
from ME worked fine!Hope this helps. Manual deploy is laborious.
Scott AndersonParticipantBill,
Well, I’d suggest using exploded deployment for development anyway, so your changes will be available immediately without a repackaging step. However, it’s still very odd that archived deployment doesn’t function for you. The only thing I can think of is that the archived deployer in the version you’re using uses Ant internally and you’re also using the very latest JDK. To eliminate an XML incompatibility, I’d suggest trying to launch Eclipse with JDK 1.4.1, when you have time.
Bill WinspurMemberScott,
I had a quick look around eclipse and the registry to see how I could change the jdk eclipse uses and came up empty. How does one change the jdk that launches myeclipse ?
Scott AndersonParticipantBill,
Good question. Eclipse has a commandline option to specify this called -vm. Full doc is here:
Bill WinspurMemberScott, I tried launching eclipse under 1.4.1 with the following commands:
C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data e:\swd\eclipseWkspce -vm C:\j2sdk1.4.1_07, and
C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data e:\swd\eclipseWkspce -vm C:\j2sdk1.4.1_07\binIn both cases, eclipse failed to start, and popped up a diaglog containing the following:
… No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following ocations: c\j2sdk1.4.1_07
Actually, there is a jdk there – I plugged it into IDEA and ran some unit tests OK.
If you can tell me what is wrong with my command to launch under 1.4.1, that would be good. I’ve read the Running Eclipse doc pretty carefully, but nothing seems to relate to this problem.
Riyad KallaMemberBill, I believe the -vm switch actually wants you to point to the exe, so it would be something like this:
C:\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data e:\swd\eclipseWkspce -vm C:\j2sdk1.4.1_07\bin\javaw.exe
let us know if that works
Bill WinspurMemberThanks Scott,
that did it. On 1.4.1 Eclipse deploys my war files,
Riyad KallaMemberI’m glad it worked… and I guess it’s alright if you want to call me Scott 😉
Bill WinspurMemberbut you guys 😀 😀 all look the same 😀
Riyad KallaMemberhaha