- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 7 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
Kimberley ScottMemberHiya,
This may seem like a silly question. Been using Eclipse for a while. Just bought subscription to myeclipse. Love it, but have a question…
I run a few Linux/W2K live and dev Servers and develop under w2k. Our live servers run some 20+ sites. The dev servers are a mirror of this. I’ve configured JBoss3/Jetty to use the jboss-web.xml and web-jetty.xml to have a context-root of ‘/’ and hostnames such that I can run a live site ‘www.xx.com’ on live and ‘devwww.xx.com’ on dev without mucking about with dns/web-xxx.xml files.
Thus 90% of the sites are context-rooted to ‘/’ and are all distinct FQDNs from a DNS point of view.
Our dev server is accessed via samba by several developers and designers.
I use jboss3.2.2rc1 on dev and jboss3.2.1 on the live servers.
Unix sysadm/programmer for 27 years – yes really.
</preamble>What I’ve been doing for the last two years is open a (samba) connection from my machine (w2k) to the dev drive exploded war (j:\jboss-3.2.2rc1\server\default\deploy\www.xx.com.war), edit the jsps, java files etc, then use ant to build everything from a cmd.exe prompt.
I want to use myeclipse to do something similar, but if I create a project called http://www.xx.com.war with a context of /www.xx.com.war with a project directory on the local c: drive, I can’t seem to get myeclipse to allow me to deploy to the network drive (j:\jboss\etc). I open the project deployments dialog, and enter the details for the jboss3 server (after altering the paths and enabling jboss3 in the window->preferences->myeclipse).
If I then right-click on the project and use the myeclipse-> menu, there are no deployment options, so I can’t seem to get the project to deploy.
If I go through the same process but have a copy of jboss3-3.2.2rc1 running on my machine under c:, the myeclipse-> menu does allow me to deploy to c:\opt\jboss\blah\blah.
I just *know* I just must be doing something obviously wrong, but I just can’t see it. Any ideas?
Ms Kimberley Scott
Senior Software Engineer
DCG Media Ltd
Kimberley ScottMemberYoikes! I’m dense. All my testing was done at 2am this morning, but now I’ve had a nap and a cup of coffee… I’ve been experimenting this morning. The first thing I did wrong was that when I named the project I added ‘.war’ on the end. What I didn’t realise was that in the deployment dialog it automatically adds a ‘.war’ extension, so I had http://www.xx.com.war.war as a deployment directory which is why I couldn’t see any changes.
I still can’t deploy to more than one JBoss3 server and the deploy option doesn’t appear on the right-click menu, but at least I can deploy, by opening the myeclipse->add-and-remove-project-deployments, highlighting the project and clicking redeploy.
Any best practices here?
Scott AndersonParticipantKimbo,
First, thank you for providing enough context in your posts for me to provide a cogent reply without asking for more information. Just from this, I certainly believe this:
Unix sysadm/programmer for 27 years – yes really.
You’ve obviously had to try to handle the support ticket of “It won’t work. Make it go.” 😉
You’ve got yourself quite a complex little environment there I must say. One thing to keep in mind is that we wrote MyEclipse to simplify and accelerate development of J2EE applications on a variety of application servers. However, it’s not really intended to be a server management environment. As a result, dealing with the complexity of your particular configuration is a little outside it’s design goals, at least at present. 🙂
I still can’t deploy to more than one JBoss3 server
This is correct. For developing applications, the use cases we were considering was a developer working on building one or more applications on one or more different “flavors” of server on their local machine. In these use cases, the developer can deploy as many applications as needed to any server, simultaneously, but there is never a reason to have multiple instances of the same server type and version installed. You’re attempted usage to simplify your administration of your dev and production servers just isn’t covered by the current product.
and the deploy option doesn’t appear on the right-click menu.
The documentation is out of date. The right-click menu contains the ‘Add Remove ProjectDeployments’ item, that launches the same management dialog as the toolbar icon.
but at least I can deploy, by opening the myeclipse->add-and-remove-project-deployments, highlighting the project and clicking redeploy. Any best practices here?
I don’t know if it’s a “best practice”, but typically the build for QA and production is done completely independently of any development environment by pulling everything directly from the version control system and compiling everything independently so that it can be optimized appropriately. I assume you already do something similar so I’d encourage you to continue that practice. Use MyEclipse for development and testing, and your current practices for QA and rollout.
Kimberley ScottMemberRats. 🙂 Thanks for your comments. Sorry for the delay in response. Servlets generating PDFs… Argh.
Never mind, I’m going to continue using myeclipse cos I love it. I’ll just have to write a service management tool myself. Having do do everything with ant gets tiring. Maybe as a plugin. Or done in perl cgi… Heh heh. The horror – the horror.
Ah time, wherefore art though? Oh yeah, that’s right – the infinite weekend approaches… :-0
Scott AndersonParticipantKimbo,
Never mind, I’m going to continue using myeclipse cos I love it. I’ll just have to write a service management tool myself. Maybe as a plugin.
If you want to write it as an Eclipse plugin, remember, we’re always on the lookout for additional capabilities for MyEclipse. Contributions always welcome. 😉
Or done in perl cgi… Heh heh. The horror – the horror
Productivity is never a horror. 🙂 You’ll note that even though we’re a bunch of J2EE consultants and Java tool developers that our website is all PHP. Why? Productivity. I think the full response is a thread in ‘Random Thoughts’. Productivity above dogma.
Welcome to MyEclipse and thanks for your comments and insights. See you around the forums.
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