
JSF, faces-config.xml Editor

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  • #229957 Reply

    [ XP SP2, Eclipse 3.0.2, MyEclipse 4.0 M1 ]

    I’d like to see the faces-config.xml editor design view show managed beans as well as page transitions. Having a combobox to select items from open projects would also be nice.

    #229965 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What would be the benefit of showing the beans on the diagram itself?

    #229967 Reply

    I guess just to show what you have in there. Maybe an option to have a bean view in the design. But, I guess you’re right – it’s not like it’d show any sort of functionality. I think I just thought about it because I wanted to add beans while in design view.

    #229968 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You can use the down arrow in the top right corner of the outline view to add them, does that help?

    #229972 Reply

    Good enough. Thanks 🙂

    While I’m on the topic, tho, what about a zoom option? I don’t have a complicated diagram now, but I can imagine it could get big. This would probably be good in all of the config editors as well as the UML modeler, I’d imagine.

    #229974 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The zoom should be at the top in the toolbar, if not, right click > Customize and check all the MyEclipse/JSF toolbar options. One of them hjas the zoom combobox in it.

    #229975 Reply

    I don’t have the JSF toolbar as far as I can tell. Does it show up within the editor (under the file list) or does it show up as part of the app toolbar (under the menu)? Either way, I did notice a combobox to allow me to select a zoom percentage. Thanks 🙂

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