
JSP compilation issue in 5.1.0 GA

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  3. Java EE Development (EJB, JSP, Struts, XDoclet, etc.)
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  • #264503 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I received your project and took a look at it. First and foremost you have quite a few classes (types) that cannot be resolved because they are not in your build path. This is going to be the first thing you need to correct. I have PM’ed you a list of the classes you need to add to your build path (you will need to figure out where they come from first, I’m not sure).

    #264712 Reply


    Hi Riyad
    I had send 2 messages yesterday regarding some issue with other jsp file in the project
    did you have a chance to look at them


    #264724 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sorry for the delay. I got all the messages and replied. I was not able to reproduce any of the problems and sent screenshots along. I’m not sure what is going on here.

    If you clean the project does it help? If not, can you try creating a new wokrspace (File > Switch Workspace > C:\tempworkspace) then reimport that single project into the workspace and rebuild it. Did that work?

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