- This topic has 80 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 10 months ago by
Loyal Water.
Riyad KallaMemberAnthony,
I’m sorry I didn’t reply directly to your request earlier. I had sent this request to our dev team but the issue with the debugging information is there isn’t a developer available at he moment to create these classes to assist in the debugging process and management has a huge pile of things that must get done before the year is out so when I bring up the idea of retasking a developer on something that we aren’t even sure is a ME bug at this point (none of us can reproduce it, and we haven’t confirmed with you guys that it is still broken on WL 9.2) is not a popular one.We are doing the best we can on this end to balance the bottom line (what must get done) with addressing this issue, I just don’t have anyone to task with this at the moment.
Anthony EstelitaMemberUgh, that is upsetting. ;-( Just send me the source code and I will try to figure it out. (just joking) 😀
toconnorMemberWe are having the same problem using WebLogic 9.2. We had the problem with MyEclipse 5.0.1 and are still having the problem with 5.1. As has been noted previously in this thread, if you stop and start the server with a break point in place, then we can debug that jsp.
Anthony EstelitaMemberI am glad someone was able to validate this against 9.2. I downloaded (ugh that was a painful 600+ mb file to download) and installed it, but unfortunately our custom security realm would not start for some reason so I couldn’t even get the whole darn server to start. 🙁 I was about to create a test project and a generic domain, but now that someon else has validated it, I don’t need to do this. 🙂 Now if we can just get someone on the MyEclipse side to recreate this we will hopefully be in business to get this issue resolved. 😉 <– see the tear
Riyad KallaMembertoconnor,
Thank you for validating this on your end with WL 9.2, this is something we have been waiting on to get some data for.Can you give us some information about your project that you are debugging? Is it an EAR? How many modules? Is it just single Web Project? How many files, how big is it, etc.?
Also is your WebRoot directory also your project root, or do you have a web root directory somewhere under your project root?
Lastly, is this project something you could share with us in order to track down what is going wrong? We would of course keep it private but would need specific instructions and how to get things running and how to reproduce the problem (e.g. Deploy app, Run app server, Set breakpoint in login.jsp and admin.jsp, then login with name john/doe, etc.)
Anthony EstelitaMember/bonk 😕
rvanbreeMemberWell it’s been a while since I checked on the progress made in fixing this issue. I have learned to deal with it by setting the break point and waiting for the source not found message, when it breaks I just go back to my source and I can inspect variables etc, it’s a pain.
Now I have another problem. I have workspaces for different versions of our application. One for production and one for dev/test. Each project has a different source file directory and target a different domain defined in WL – I can start WL and I know the correct config is running. The problem is somehow/somewhere the code is out of sync with the compiled classes (jsp or java)- it is only correct if I undeploy and redeploy my app ( I have an exploded app)
If I switch back to the other workspace. It looks like eclipse(myeclipse) has cached compiled classes somewhere. It is so odd that the ide knows about new methods and can autocomplete etc by when the jsp compiles it cannot find the new class
a typical error from the runtime compile
D:\bea8SP4\user_projects\domains\Help2V207\myserver\.wlnotdelete\extract\myserver__appsdir_ResultsReview_dir_ResultsReview\jsp_servlet\_common\_hottext\__hyperedit.java:148: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : method getModified ()
location: class resultsreview.module.hotTextMaintenance.HotTextMaintenanceModule
if ( !hotTextMaintenanceModule.getModified() ){ //[ /common/hotText/hyperEdit.jsp; Line: 18]
^in this case getModified is a new public method of the class.
Odd Odd ODD
plus I would like to be able to debug jsp files still
Riyad KallaMemberrvanbree,
Just to clarify, you have two workspaces, each one with verisions of your app. Then you have two domains, each one with the respective version of the app deployed right?Also MyEclipse doesn’t store cached files anywhere, they just live in the output dir. It’s possible you could have changed a setting in WL to ignore the newly deployed resources. If you check the contents of the deployed files in the exploded deployment after you make a change in ME and save it, do you see your changes in the file itself on the file system? (ignore for now what WL is showing you). If so, WL might just not be rebuilding the JSPs or reloading the classes until the context reloads (triggered by a redeploy).
WE made redeploy more resillient and faster in 5.1, so now only will it continue even if there is a read lock, but it will also touch the web.xml file which causes most all main stream app servers to reload the context. Oh and it also only redeploys changed files.
So if you keep open your Servers view, you can manage redeployments really quickly from there to your app server.
Matt BucknamParticipantSee this from the Eclipse WTP Bug list. Looks like they encountered this and issued a patch. Isn’t the latest MyEclipse built on top of WTP? Can we leverage this fix?
This problem is really killing me. BTW, we also have a very large weblogic project. Our webroot is the project root too (which I hate but don’t control). Don’t know if either thing is contributer or not.
Riyad KallaMembermbucknam,
Thank you for the heads up, we do things a little differently than WTP at the moment but may inherit this fix with a later release.That being said, I had a meeting with one of our connector developers this morning and we *really* need to find a reproducable test case, that’s the only hold up for us right now. Every time he sits down to work on the issue, he can’t reproduce the problem and manually auditing the code is showing up nothing. In fact he ended up doing a diff against the 4.1.1 code base and there were no changes to the actual debugging code between that release and 5.0
So now we are getting suspicious of environment things (JDK for example) and want to work closely with you guys to finally drive a steak through the heart of this problem.
For anyone that is willing to participate and has this problem, here is what I would like from you:
1) MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details
2) Weblogic version, JDK you have configured to run it (java -version information)
3) Entire WebLogic startup log from the console view
4) A small test case that can reproduce the issue with very explicit instructions on how to reproduce the problem (e.g. breakpoint on line 56, run it, etc.)NOTE: The test case can be a project or a workspace with a single project inside it, whichever is easier for you.
If you can send this information to support@genuitec.com ATTN Riyad with a link to this thread for reference that would be great. For the time being I would appreciate test cases for Windows XP Pro (with Service Pack 2) to most closely model my environment.
Thank you for your help guys.
Matt BucknamParticipantRiyad: It appears to be related to the sheer size of my application. I can deploy to a clean domain and it debugging works. If I deploy a new ear with only one web app and jsp to my large app domain, the problem reproduces. The problem is I cannot send it to you as it is almost a gig in size with libraries and all of our company classes. Do you think your developer could send a myeclipse jar file with super high logging in the area where he/she thinks the problem might be that I could run against my code? Then I could email the logs to you. I did that once with IBM a few years ago and we were able to find the problem.
Riyad KallaMemberUnfortunately he’s been tasked on some major-high-priority items and was going to eat into his weekend to work on this if I could get him a reproducable test-case. Management hasn’t OK any custom-built plugins at this time to be shipped out to customers but we certainly do appreciate the offer (if it comes down to that, I will let you know).
This is on par with what the other folks having problems are saying as well. It seems to be a size-of-the-app issue.
Riyad KallaMemberGood news!
One of the techs dug his heels in about 2 weekends ago while he had some spare time and sure enough found this really crazy edge-case that triggers this scenario where the JSP source lookup barfs specifically on Weblogic.
He took the entire afternoon today after wrapping up some other work and has what he hopes to be the fix in place and is going to bang on it tommorow to make sure it’s working. If that’s the case the fix will go into 5.5!
Matt BucknamParticipantDid the techs fix work? Do we think it will go into 5.5?
Riyad KallaMemberFrom our internally testing with that case yes the fix did work and is going into the 5.5 release due Monday. We really appreciate you guys being patient.