
JSP Editor Bug v3.6.3

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  • #199497 Reply

    JSP editor consumes 100% CPU (for almost 3-4 minutes) for opening a JSP file in a web module project. Because of this MyEclipseIDE doesn’t respond. Its happening a lot.

    Eclipse 3.0 M4
    MyEclipse 3.6.3
    OS WinXP Pro
    Prcessor P4 1.8 GHz
    RAM 768 MB
    No extra pluggin.

    Log file elided since it was not relevant to this issue.
    See next post.

    #199498 Reply

    I am sorry, I attached the stack trace of XML editor bug.
    JSP editor problem doesn’t leave any stack trace. It just hangs the MyEclipseIDE for 3-4 minutes while opening a JSP file.

    #199505 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Is there any information shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window? Is it any JSP file? Any file in a particular project? Are you using a large number of tag libraries in the project or JSP? Do you have JSP compilation enabled? Does the behavior change if you disable it? Do you have a reproducable test case you can share?

    MyEclipse Support

    #199540 Reply

    JSP file location/name is displayed at the status bar of the window.
    I am not using any tag libraries in the jsp.
    JSP compilation is enabled.

    The steps I took was
    (1) I installed the fresh eclipse M4 and Myeclipseide 3.6.3.
    (2) Created a web module project by pointing to an existing web module project (web module project created for eclipseM3 + myeclipse 3.6.2)
    (3) Set tomcat 5.0.12 as application server with jdk 1.4.2
    (3) And tried to open the jsp file.
    and suddenly eclipse stopeed responding for 3-4 minutes. Open the task manager of the window and found that its using 99-100% CPU.
    (4) After that when things became normal I tried to open another jsp file and same thing happened.
    (5) It didnot happened with few jsp files although there is not much difference in the files (not tag lib just few scriplets)

    I also found the same problem with text block shifting in the jsp file. And I think this you can use for test cases. Just select a blcok of code in a jsp file and press tab button.

    I didnot check with disabling jsp compilation as I kind of liked the compliation thing of the jsps in myeclipseide.

    #199541 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    This could be related to the size of your workspace. Are you specifying memory arguments when you start Eclipse? To increase the amount of RAM given to Eclipse you can modify the alias you use to start Eclipse and add arguments like these:
    -vmargs -Xms128M -Xmx384M. If you do this, is the behavior different?

    I didnot check with disabling jsp compilation as I kind of liked the compliation thing of the jsps in myeclipseide.

    It is a great feature, but by turning it off temporarily we might be able to isolate the issue since we haven’t been able to reproduce it locally.

    What JDK version are you using to launch Eclipse?
    Have you tried a clean boot of your machine? Same problem?
    Can you try launching Eclipse using an empty workspace (-data <workspace_dir>) and see then see if you can create a simple project that replicates the behavior? This will let us know if it’s isolated to your workspace or not.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199628 Reply


    I noticed the same behavior with a JSP wich contains a lot of nested tables. On a simple JSP all works fine. After disabling
    syntax highlighting with your comment bug 😉 the editor works with normal speed.


    #199633 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    We’ve got two people doing nothing but coming up with complex test scenarios for the JSP editor right now. The highlighting problem, as well as several others, will be fixed in a patch release soon.

    What time of slowdown were you seeing? Several seconds to open the file, or the ‘multi-minute 100% CPU lockup’ of the UI that others have reported? We’re addressing the multi-second open time now, but still don’t have a reproducable test case for the second. If your JSP is such a case I would LOVE a copy of it. Pleeeeeeezzzz? support@genuitec.com

    MyEclpise Support

    #199696 Reply


    Thanks to all of you for your assistance in isolating this problem. We are able to replicate it now and are hastely working on a service patch to address it.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199701 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The example you emailed us was perfect. Thanks again.

    MyEclipse Support

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