
jsp editor cpu spikes

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  • #228026 Reply


    I like the jsp editor except that it periodically spikes my CPU every few minutes and becomes non-responsive. Is there something I can disable with the editor to improve the performance?

    #228048 Reply

    @rex666777 wrote:

    I like the jsp editor except that it periodically spikes my CPU every few minutes and becomes non-responsive. Is there something I can disable with the editor to improve the performance?

    I also had this problem, it occured when I selected another editor-tab, in my case I think it was an eclipse-problem.
    Installing 3.1M6 and the new MyEclipse worked for me……could also have been a problem with another plugin, thats now gone 🙂

    #228074 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    In addition to ollih’s suggestion you should also be sure you are giving Eclipse enough memory to run (you could be hitting garbage collection cycles), I suggest:

    eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx256m
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