
JSP Features

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  • #209794 Reply


    1) EL (Expression Language) support, both for JSP 1.2 and 2.0 (selectable)

    2) Compiled servlet preview. There is currently a preview of the expected HTML output, but a preview of the compliled servlet java code would be a great debugging tool.

    3) Support for jsp:include and <%@ include %> in the preview.

    4) Support for java refs, auto-complete, etc inside JSTL tags. (associated with EL #1)

    #210614 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) Comming
    2) Not possible, as every application server compiles the JSP code differently.
    3) Comming IIRC
    4) Comming (associated with #1)

    IMO 1 and 2 are the most important here, and I’m not positive on the ETA, but I know our JSP team is pretty much up to their elbows in code working on “JSP 2.0 support”.

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