
JSP tag library

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  • #219592 Reply


    How would I go about setting up a project in ME to recognize a particular tag library? Currently it only recognizes standard tags.

    Thank you,

    #219624 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It will recognize your own taglibraries if you put them in the right place…

      1) Make sure your classes or JAR(s) are in your Java Build Path (or setup as your output dir)
      2) Make sure your TLD files are either under WEB-INF somewhere, or in your META-INF dir of a JAR in your Java Build Path
      3) IF your TLDs are under WEB-INF OR your TLDs do not define a default URI, make sure your setup <taglib> entries correctly in your web.xml file mapping the location to the URI
      4) Make sure your JSP pages use the correct URI from the web.xml file or the default URI from the TLD file.
      * CHeck out this link for detail about how URIs and taglibs are resolved: http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-31.html#251
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