- This topic has 23 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 3 months ago by
kellyzhouMemberI have same problems. But one additional thing is, upon opening, it always auto compile all java and jsp pages. Anyway to stop the auto compilation?
support-michaelKeymasterDisable/Enable the “Jsp compilation” preference at Windows>Preferences>MyEclipse>Editors>JSP/HTML.
Another question on the “slow editor opening” issue, how many taglibs are declared by your JSP and how many taglibs in your project?
lukmanphMemberhi guys
am experiencing the same sort of problems. this is a sample of one my jsp pages<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld” prefix=”bean” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld” prefix=”html” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld” prefix=”logic” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/struts-template.tld” prefix=”template” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld” prefix=”tiles” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”/WEB-INF/struts-nested.tld” prefix=”nested” %><?xml version=”1.0″?>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/fbb/scripts/alerts.js”></script>
<tiles:insert page=”/secure/inc/head.jsp” flush=”true” />
<%– include header –%>
<tiles:insert page=”/secure/inc/header.jsp” flush=”true” />
<!– BEGIN NAV –><!– nav2 –>
<tiles:insert page=”/secure/inc/navtabs.jsp” flush=”true”>
<tiles:put name=”section”>Alerts</tiles:put>
<tiles:put name=”subSection”>SPNotification</tiles:put>
</tiles:insert><!– END NAV –>
<div id=”contentArea”>
<div id=”panelBody”>
<div id=”wideColumn”>
<nested:form action=”/alert/ViewBasketAction.do?method=update” method=”post”><!– DEV TEAM : INSERT ERROR MESSAGE HERE –>
<h2>Alert Details</h2>
<p>You may change the status of each alert.</p>
<p class=”hr”></p>
<table class=”tableWrapper” align=”center”>
<td><table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″ width=”100%”>
<col width=”20%” valign=”top” />
<col valign=”top” />
</td><nested:nest property=”alertInstanceDetail”>
<nested:iterate indexId=”counter” property=”statusCodeList” type=”org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”alertInstanceDetail.statusCodeList[<bean:write name=”counter”/>].label” value=”<nested:write property=”label”/>”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”alertInstanceDetail.statusCodeList[<bean:write name=”counter”/>].value” value=”<nested:write property=”value”/>”>
</nested:nest><%– Start of nested tag –%>
<bean:define id=”detail” name=”ViewAlertsSummaryForm” property=”alertInstanceDetail”/>
<nested:nest property=”alertInstanceDetail”>
<td>Change to <a href=”UC206PM-2_validateBasket.html”><nested:write property=”alertName”/></a>
<nested:hidden property=”alertName”/>
<b>Alert Type:</b>
<td><nested:write property=”alertTemplateText”/></td> <nested:hidden property=”alertTemplateText”/>
<td> <nested:write property=”dateOfCreation”/></td> <nested:hidden property=”dateOfCreation”/>
<td><nested:write property=”message”/></td> <nested:hidden property=”message”/>
<!– <tr><td><b>Affected Securities:</b></td>
<td><a href=”#”>NTSC</a>, <a href=”#”>GE</a></td>
</tr> –>
</nested:nest> <%– End of nested–%><p> </p>
<table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″ width=”100%”>
<col width=”33%” align=”left” />
<col width=”34%” align=”center” />
<col width=”33%” align=”right” />
<tr valign=”bottom”>
Showing: 1-25 of 50 records <br/><br/>
<%– usage of nested tags –%>
Rows per page: <nested:select property=”selectedRowsPerPage”>
<nested:nest property=”paginationHeader”>
<nested:define id=”rows” property=”rowsPerPageList”/>
<html:options collection=”rows” property=”label” labelProperty=”value”/>
<td class=”nowrap”>
<html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘firstPage’)”>First<span class=”webding”>9</span></html:link> |
<html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘previousPage’)”>Previous<span class=”webding”>3</span></html:link> |
Page <x> of <x> |
<html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘nextPage’)”>Next<span class=”webding”>4</span></html:link> |
<html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘lastPage’)”>Last<span class=”webding”>:</span></html:link>
<nested:nest property=”paginationHeader”>
Go to page: <nested:text property=”pageNumber” size=”2″ maxlength=”3″/></br><html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘goToPage’)” styleClass=”nextButton”>Go<span class=”webding”>4</span></html:link>
<td> </td>
</table><table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″ class=”data” width=”100%”>
<col width=”20%” align=”left”/>
<col width=”25%” align=”left”/>
<col width=”15%” align=”right”/>
<col width=”15%” align=”right”/>
<col width=”10%” align=”center”/>
<col width=”15%” align=”left”/>
<tr class=”d”>
<td colspan=”9″>
Affected Accounts
<tr class=”c”>
<th>Household Name <span class=”webding”>6</span></th>
<th>Investment Objective <span class=”webding”>6</span></th>
<th>Account Number <span class=”webding”>6</span></th>
<th>Account Value <span class=”webding”>6</span></th>
<th>Action </th>
<th>Status <span class=”webding”>6</span></th>
</tr><%– start of nested tags–%>
<nested:nest property=”alertInstanceDetail”>
<nested:iterate id=”affectedAccount” property=”affectedAccounts”>
<nested:equal property=”shadow” value=”yes”>
<tr onmouseover=”javascript:this.className=’highlight'” onmouseout=”javascript:this.className=’a'” class=”a”>
<nested:equal property=”shadow” value=”no”>
<tr onmouseover=”javascript:this.className=’highlight'” onmouseout=”javascript:this.className=’b'” class=”b”>
<nested:link page=”/viewClient.do?method=view” paramId=”householdID” paramName=”affectedAccount” paramProperty=”householdID” >
<nested:write property=”householdName”/>
<nested:hidden property=”householdName”/>
<nested:hidden property=”alertPKID”/>
<a href=”UC107-2_modifyCaptureInvestmentObjective.html”><nested:write property=”goal”/></a>
<nested:hidden property=”goal”/>
<nested:link page=”/viewAccountSummary.do?method=view” paramId=”accountID” paramName=”affectedAccount” paramProperty=”accountID”>
<nested:write property=”accountNumber”/>
<nested:hidden property=”accountNumber”/>
<td>$<nested:write property=”accountValue”/><nested:hidden property=”accountValue”/></td>
<td><a href=”#” class=”nextButton”>Trade</a></td>
<td><bean:define id=”detail2″ name=”detail” property=”statusCodeList” />
<nested:select property=”statusCode”>
<html:options collection=”detail2″ property=”label” labelProperty=”value”/>
<div id=”buttonPanelBottom”>
<html:link page=”/alert/ViewSummaryAlertsAction.do?method=showAlerts” styleClass=”backButton”>Alert History<span class=”webding”>q</span></html:link>
<html:link href=”javascript:document.ViewAlertsSummaryForm.submit()” styleClass=”refreshButton”>Update<span class=”webding”>q</span></html:link>
</div></br><table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″ width=”100%”>
<col width=”33%” align=”left” />
<col width=”34%” align=”center” />
<col width=”33%” align=”right” />
<tr valign=”bottom”>
<%– usage of nested tags –%>
Rows per page: <nested:select property=”selectedRowsPerPage”>
<nested:nest property=”paginationHeader”>
<nested:define id=”rows” property=”rowsPerPageList”/>
<html:options collection=”rows” property=”label” labelProperty=”value”/>
<td class=”nowrap”>
<html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘firstPage’)”>First<span class=”webding”>9</span></html:link> |
<html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘previousPage’)”>Previous<span class=”webding”>3</span></html:link> |
Page <x> of <x> |
<html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘nextPage’)”>Next<span class=”webding”>4</span></html:link> |
<html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘lastPage’)”>Last<span class=”webding”>:</span></html:link>
<nested:nest property=”paginationHeader”>
Go to page: <nested:text property=”pageNumber” size=”2″ maxlength=”3″ /><html:link href=”javascript:setTypeOfMethod(‘goToPage’)” styleClass=”nextButton”>Go<span class=”webding”>4</span></html:link>
No OperationMemberI used copy and paste and created a JSP file from your post.
Then I did some measurements:
1. Test open a Java file:
– close project
– open project
– open a Java fileduration: from 2 to 8 seconds.
– close that Java file and open it
– open that Java file againduration: less than 1 second.
1. Test open a JSP file:
– close project
– open project
– open a JSP fileduration: from 3 to 6 seconds.
– close that JSP file and open it
– open that JSP file againduration: about 1 second.
so JSP files do open slightly slower here, but at acceptable performance.
I am using J2SDK1.4.2_02 and running Eclipse with:
C:\eclipse2.1.1\eclipse.exe -vm \j2sdk1.4.2_02\bin\javaw.exe -server -Xmx1024m
grzelakcMemberI suffer from the very same problem. Every jsp which has cusstom tags on it takes in excess of 20 seconds to open. This is just unusable. Has this been reproduced by the development team yet?
Scott AndersonParticipantHas this been reproduced by the development team yet?
Yes, it has. It is related to be related the the number of nested tables in use in the JSP page. One of our kind users in Germany sent us a JSP page with 5 levels of nested tables that reproduces the CPU lockup problem that others have reported, and this slow opening is related. We’ve got several test cases set up and the bugs have been posted to the tracking system. The development team has already begun working on them.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you all for your support and postings that helped us to isolate this issue. As soon as it is fixed and tested we’ll issue a special patch release.
MyEclipse Support
Thanks for your quick reply. I’m currently evaluating myEclipse for my hobby project. I’ll definitely buy the subscription once this issue is fixed. MyEclipse is really slick otherwise 😀
support-michaelKeymasterWe have also identified a potential optimization that we believe will accelerate JSP editor launch performance. We are researching it further and believe it will dramatically improve this situation.
MyEclipse Support
grzelakcMemberI’ve found that 2.6.4 fixed my speed issue with opening and editing JSP files. Things are working great now. Thanks!