
Linux verison of Visual HTML Designer – when?

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  • #237926 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This message has not been recovered.

    #241997 Reply



    I noticed that there was an update on the roadmap and now there is no longer any target like “Web Designer for Linux port”.

    Has anybody heard something about the LinuyPort in 4.1?

    #242011 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The port won’t make 4.1, there is still a lot of research to work on, but we have portions of it working already on that platform.

    #242049 Reply


    That’s really disappointing. I’m glad I waited before renewing our licenses. I guess I’ll have to look at some other tools.

    #242544 Reply


    I agree that it’s a real shame there’s not going to be a linux port of the web designer. (even though it is very sloooooooow at the moment.

    I keep my hopes up for a 4.1.1 release with the linux port

    #243737 Reply

    I just renewed my ME subscription (a number of years now) and then switched to Sun Studio Creator for WYSIWYG support on Linux (Creator works on Windows and Linux)

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