
Mac Installer quits [Closed]

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  • #198866 Reply


    The installer quits and I am unable to install myeclipse???

    #198871 Reply


    I am using Mac OS X 10.2.8, JDK 1.3.1.

    Is there any log file I can look at??

    #198873 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    What type of Mac are you using? Is there plenty of RAM and disk space available? At what point does the installer quit?

    Before running the installer try running the OSX console (it should be under Applications/Utilities) and run the installer again. This will open the debugging window on OSX and the installer should log information to this window. Please paste the complete debug output generated so we can investigate further.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198876 Reply


    I have a Powerbook G4 667, 768MB RAM, ~ 4GB disk space.

    The installer quits as soon as I double click.

    console.log –

    Sep 30 23:03:55 vineetg4 WindowServer[187]: CGXDisableUpdate: Updates disabled by connection 0xb803 for over 1.000000 seconds

    Sep 30 23:04:21 vineetg4 WindowServer[3495]: ERROR! execle(/Users/Shared/Enterprise Workbench Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Enterprise Workbench Installer) returned, err=22

    #198890 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    This really sounds like the installer itself is corrupted. I know there have been a couple of users that reported problems when using Safari to download the installer. Could you try downloading a fresh version using IE (not Safari) and see if it behaves better for you? Please let us know the outcome.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198895 Reply


    Same thing with IE and Mozilla.

    Oct 1 14:44:10 vineetg4 WindowServer[978]: ERROR! execle(/Users/vineetb/Desktop/Enterprise Workbench Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/Enterprise Workbench Installer) returned, err=22

    #198924 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    In rereading this thread I was reminded that I had seen this ‘err=22’ issue before. In the following thread we had a full discussion with another user and there is also a link to an internet resource that discusses the workaround. The problem is not the installer itself, but simply the permissions assigned to it by the OS. Please let us know if this corrects the problem for you. Here is the thread: https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/myeclipse-install-problem-on-mac/&highlight=err+22

    MyEclipse Support

    #198945 Reply



    A simple chmod +x did the trick.
    Also I found this from another list which does the same thing –


    Thanks a lot.

    Code on’

    #198947 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Glad to hear that did the trick. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

    MyEclipse Support

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