
Mac OSX Bug 67384 fixed?

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  • #266920 Reply

    I just switched over to a MacBook Pro that I was planning to use as my primary development platform. I’ll have Parallels and XP Pro installed, but I really, REALLY don’t want to have to use that as a compatibility layer so I can use Matisse and the UML designer.

    While part of me wants to throw in the towel and request a refund, as well, I can see that taking money away from the people that are trying to solve the problem is a bit… counterproductive.

    So, I’ll give you guys another year (my subscription runs out at the beginning of Feb.). Do you think you can get it by then?

    #266924 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I have learned to not make any such promises in the face of technical hurdles that require so many moving parts to be coordinated.

    All I can say is at the end of the day the only purpose we exist or why we sell our product is to make our customers more productive. If we aren’t making you more productive then you may require another tool for the job.

    We never want to loose a single customer, but if we aren’t solving your immediate problems then that is something we need to work on to keep your business.

    If you do decide on a refund, they are complete and unconditional, we aren’t going to lock you into any sort of agreement if things aren’t working out.

    #267054 Reply


    So is this still broken? is a version that isn’t blocked on MacOS available?

    #267182 Reply


    Guess this is not looking too good. I haven’t touched this stuff since last summer and was really hoping it would be ready by now. I’m going to seek another visual JSF development tool that I can use on my Mac, but would be happy to reconsider MyEclipse if it ever works . Perhaps there is a mailing list somewhere that would announce the release of a Mac compatible MyEclipse if/when it rolls out?

    #267183 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We had a chance to talk with the Apple JDK guys again at EclipseCon this year and it seems no one from the Eclipse team ever sat down and explained exactly what was wrong on the Mac so the Apple guys are happy to fix whatever the problem is, they just (believe it or not) were never told *exactly* what it was.

    That was sort of a “doh” moment right there. I don’t know if our management team has anything planned with this or what the next step is. Sorry I can’t provide more shiney news than that right now, we have 2 guys on the team that develop on Mac, so it’s not like we are a Windows-only environment here and just keep our fingers crossed on other platforms… this stinks.

    #268235 Reply

    Yes that’s stinks as if you look at the first post date its been a whole year now !!!!

    Especially when Apple claim the bug is fixed in their mantis base (as was several linked sister bugs). They released a new upgrade to the public (not a developer release) two months ago and MyEclipse promise us to look at it ASAP.

    What is the status, I’m like Brian fed up to launch Parallel and windows on my mac to have access to my complete MyEclipse installation.

    Please guys take your mac fellows in good faith

    #268237 Reply


    I’m thinking of switching to a Mac and have bee following this post, can I just ask any of the Mac users – If I use Parallel and Windows on a Mac to launch MyEclipse for full functionality – how long does it take to launch for the first time, and then for subsequent launches. e.g. can I instantly switch from a Mac application to Windows MyEclipse ?

    #268425 Reply

    Calvin Vette

    @PeteTh wrote:

    I’m thinking of switching to a Mac and have bee following this post, can I just ask any of the Mac users – If I use Parallel and Windows on a Mac to launch MyEclipse for full functionality – how long does it take to launch for the first time, and then for subsequent launches. e.g. can I instantly switch from a Mac application to Windows MyEclipse ?

    You can switch back and forth (even apple-tabbing back and forth between Mac apps and Windows apps in Coherence mode). The performance is actually fairly decent, it’s just a royal pain in the ass and sucks up many Gbs of hard drive space and a boatload more RAM to launch a full other OS just to run MyEclipse. If that OS happens to be Windows, then you have to deal with its pedantic licensing and activation crap, too.

    Make sure you have at least 2Gb of free drive space if you give the Parallels session 768Mb of RAM or more. I’ve had problems where it goes into swap death and refuses to quit gracefully (requiring a force shutdown of the Windows session, effectively crashing it).

    #268743 Reply

    Its quite fast, in fact sometimes feel ‘quicker’ than the native MacOS version of Eclipse+MyEclipse.

    But its true that bellow 2Gb of memory, its a pain tu use (not talking about switching to windows wasting disk space and swap).
    Plus if you want to test your product on the mac, you need to maintain two versions of the project, because of conflict between
    Eclipse projet settings in Mac vs Window version.

    No news from MyEclipse ??

    #268753 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No news yet, we are prepping 5.5M2 to shove out the door, take 1 day of sleep-time and then start our death-march towards 5.5 GA which includes researching this.

    #268838 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    I’m going to add my support/need for getting this working. I just bought/upgraded to a Mac Pro.

    Now, I’m fortunate in that I can run XP in Parallels. It’s kinda fun watching XP boot in only 6 seconds. =)

    That said, I’d MUCH rather run MyEclipse in OSX and have all the fun tools I’m used to in the Windows distro.

    Yes.. the Cult of Mac is growing… Even *I* have bought one.. =)

    #268839 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    @brianjuergensmeyer wrote:

    I just switched over to a MacBook Pro that I was planning to use as my primary development platform. I’ll have Parallels and XP Pro installed, but I really, REALLY don’t want to have to use that as a compatibility layer so I can use Matisse and the UML designer.

    While part of me wants to throw in the towel and request a refund, as well, I can see that taking money away from the people that are trying to solve the problem is a bit… counterproductive.

    So, I’ll give you guys another year (my subscription runs out at the beginning of Feb.). Do you think you can get it by then?

    Honestly Brian.. considering that ME only charges 50 bucks a YEAR for their product, I’ll keep renewing and supporting their effort to make ME “just work” on OSX. I think anyone who’s a Mac user should. I have rarely seen such dedication on the part of tools company to make something work like you see in the ME team. They’re something special in the dev tools community and we should encourage the effort, not just “walk away”.

    #268939 Reply


    As much as I’m put out by not having a ‘full’ IDE on the Mac (no UML, HTML Visual, Swing UI Editors) I will stick with myeclipse. The guys are working hard to provide the best tools for not a lot of wonger! (money!!).
    Considered using Netbeans (5.5 is pretty slick, has working editors but very little support for non java projects), but changed my mind (even though it appears faster than eclipse on my macbook pro) because of my experience of using myeclipse on windows (arrr) – which I was hoping I could enjoy on the mac.

    So please Riyad etc, press the case for this bug to be fixed and give us a product that works fully on the mac. 🙂

    I think everyone will stick with Myeclipse if they see you do more than just listen to our rants :).

    thats my pennysworth.

    #268958 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m doing what I can to see this gets fixed. Ultimately management has to decide when/who works on it, but I’ll keep pushing.

    #270121 Reply

    Paolo Denti

    no news since April 17 ?

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