
Mac OSX Bug 67384 fixed?

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  • #271887 Reply

    Paolo Denti

    @paolo_denti wrote:

    no news since April 17 ?

    still no news ???

    #271893 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    I did find this out.. and it’s not good.

    The next version of OSX is going to have a 64-bit JVM – and no Carbon support at all. Since SWT (and therefore Eclipse) is using Cocoa I think that unless the Eclipse project does an update to SWT (and quick) we won’t be seeing OSX support in MyEclipse for a while. Or an Eclipse release on Leopard for that matter.

    #271900 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I wasn’t even aware of this change… there will be no compatibility layer, Apple is just full on dropping Carbon?


    #271909 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Here’s the discussion on OSX and Java that I’ve found on damn handy..


    Here’s the latest from the OSX Leopard rumor mill.


    #271990 Reply

    Sean Dynan

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    I wasn’t even aware of this change… there will be no compatibility layer, Apple is just full on dropping Carbon?

    I find that hard to believe. The Ars Technica article suggests that only the Carbon GUI stuff won’t be ported to 64-bit. But I’d be surprised if the existing 32-bit Carbon libs ceased working. That would hose SWT completely, and countless OS X apps.

    #271994 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Well, I hope you’re right seandyman…

    #271998 Reply

    Sean Dynan

    @daorriss wrote:

    Well, I hope you’re right seandyman…

    Me too dude, me too! 😮

    #273172 Reply


    Any updates on MyEclipse additional features working on osx?

    #273174 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    @elee wrote:

    Any updates on MyEclipse additional features working on osx?

    I asked about this. Apparently the answer is ‘no’. Which really frustrates the heck out of me. It means I have to run multiple tools in order to do Java dev on the Mac…

    #274132 Reply

    Brian Wallis

    My subscription expires in 3 days and since changing over from Linux to Mac I am wondering what benefits I am getting with myEclipse that I wouldn’t be able to get using other freely available plugins. The main advantage for me was Matisse and now I may as well go and try netbeans when I need to use matisse.

    I like to support the smaller development companies but I need to get some benefit when doing so. It is difficult to understand why this has gone on for so long. There doesn’t seem to be a clear explanation and plan for a way forward which is the very least I would expect from the myeclipse team. And I don’t mean some post in a forum, how about a news item on your site describing what is going on and how it is going to be resolved?

    #274133 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    With the 6.0 release we have begun chiseling away at the Mac platform. For starters we are getting the AJAX tools on the platform, I know it doesn’t help the people waiting on M4M or UML, but it’s a start.

    I ping management about the Mac issues every once in a while but there is so much else going on that I cannot pin them to anything. 🙁

    I know our long term strategy is to not piss of our user base and alienate our Mac devs, I’m sure about that… I just don’t know what the longer term plan as to *when* this work will get done. Because we are looking at a fairly large M4M refresh here soon anyway with NB 6 around the corner, so it might get rolled into that work which will be 6.1+

    #274134 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    @bwallis42 wrote:

    My subscription expires in 3 days and since changing over from Linux to Mac I am wondering what benefits I am getting with myEclipse that I wouldn’t be able to get using other freely available plugins. The main advantage for me was Matisse and now I may as well go and try netbeans when I need to use matisse.

    I like to support the smaller development companies but I need to get some benefit when doing so. It is difficult to understand why this has gone on for so long. There doesn’t seem to be a clear explanation and plan for a way forward which is the very least I would expect from the myeclipse team. And I don’t mean some post in a forum, how about a news item on your site describing what is going on and how it is going to be resolved?

    While I’m still using ME at my office, at home on my Mac I’m moving to Netbeans 6.0. And Netbeans 6 is shaping up to be an excellent IDE.

    #274179 Reply

    Brian Wallis

    Well, I decided to bite the bullet and have renewed my subscription. I really hope that you can resolve the mac issues soon. I can run eclipse under windows/linux is a virtual machine but it is not the way I would like to work. Much better running native.

    I really do think that a news article on your site describing the way forward for us poor mac users would be a good thing. There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding of the issue, particularly where it relates to the upcoming release of Leopard.

    #274180 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Some more info here, we are joining the Albireo project which was created to tackle the issue of Swing on SWT which is not an easy problem to solve. Then you slap on top of that, having a completely different Event Dispatch mechanism on Mac and you compound the complexity.

    We will continue to push forward on this front and hopefully collaborating with that project will provide solutions for everyone involved in the Eclipse space.

    bwallis we appreciate you renewing your subscription. If at a later time you find that MyEclipse isn’t meeting your needs you can always request a refund. We want to earn your business.

    #274515 Reply

    David Orriss Jr

    Albireo is rather a long way off in the distance tho.

    Don’t get me wrong… I like ME a LOT. That’s why I still pay for the renewals.. but I really DO need access to the UML and other features that are currently switched off for the Mac… Even as “experimental” features…

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