
method wizard

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  • #231273 Reply


    is business method wizard for ejb present in 4.0? because i think it is a must and need to be developed before all other feature 😉

    #231291 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Actually, I’m not sure.

    Would you really use one though? I’ve used IDE’s that offer method and even field wizards but they seemed to be a lot of overhead for something so simple.

    Personally, I just copy the javadoc and declaration of my previous business method and start going from there. Seems a lot faster than running a wizard and filling in a bunch of info, but maybe that’s just me. 🙂

    Our initial EJB wizard in 3.8.4 *will* generate a template business method for you, to get you started, if you like the “copy paste” approach.

    #231295 Reply


    copy and past is a solution but look at this doc


    it is a lomboz tutorial in particular look at this picture


    you can add field for CMP and set the primary key and xdoclet is generated automatically…i think this way is better than copy and paste 🙂

    take this only as suggestion…i like very much myeclipse 😉 tnx

    #231298 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    you can add field for CMP and set the primary key and xdoclet is generated automatically…i think this way is better than copy and paste 🙂

    I didn’t know anyone still used EJB CMP, to tell you the truth. Almost everyone seems to be using Hibernate and one of the popular web frameworks like Tapestry or Spring instead. You really might want to look into some alternatives – EJB CMP seems like it’s going away quickly, especially in the new specs.

    #231301 Reply


    yes you can use Hibernate but you will be always two tier not three like with EJB

    #231302 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Well, couldn’t you use an EJB facade to handle remote access to your sever tier and then do all business logic in POJOs, then have another layer of POJO’s + hibernate that handles your persistence? That arrangement seems to be quite a popular 3-tier architecture and it scales well because the EJB tier is very thin and stateless. What do you think?

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