
Migrate to MyEclipse

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  • #352350 Reply


    after trying 40,000 different products including ones that build in the cloud, I have settled on Dreamweaver

    Yes that’s right, Adobe Dreamweaver. Why?

    A few reasons. 1) I am used to it as thats what I do all my web editing in. 2) It has jQuery and jQuery mobile built in to it, you just insert the widget you want and it adds the code. Downside is you need to style it with CSS. 3) It has a pretty awesome Live View built in, which accurately represents what you will see on your device only much larger. 4) It’s adobe, and so is phone gap. They are compatible.

    I spent so many hours trying to get push notifications working on my MobiOne project without success, that I eventually gave up and decided to build it from scratch again. Best decision ever because I have made much progress since then. Also learnt heaps a long the way.

    Sorry Admins, but I can’t recommend MyEclipse to anyone at this stage. It feels incomplete and it has a very very bad editor.


    #352398 Reply

    Any realistic timeline you can give when we will be able to use MyEclipse to build mobione apps 1 week, 4 week 8 week at least give us an update.
    The build service keeps going down and cant build with cordova 3.5 for Google Play Store

    #352399 Reply


    Dreamweaver is a nice program if you have £250.00 to spare 🙂

    #352400 Reply

    We are still working on the process, we can’t commit to a timeline at this time.

    #352415 Reply


    Is it just me or does it seem like a poor business decision to destroy a product people are using before having a migration path already set in stone? Professionalism is something I value greatly and we are getting a bit annoyed with this entire process. We have been hearing for months a migration path is coming, yet there isn’t even an ETA.

    #352423 Reply


    I’ve be trying Mobione alternatives, and frankly, they all suck – though XDK probably sucks least. I’ve decided to go native and start using the Android ADK and iOS SDK. I’m tired of relying on the unreliable Cordova community, which is always running to catch up with Apple. Let’s face it, MyEclypse is a disaster, too. Genuitec is just running down the clock now before they can kill this forum.

    I’m going to spend the next two years re-writing my currently stable HTML-5-based apps.

    #352443 Reply

    XX-Man did you manage to solve the height issue. I have an app almost complete I just want to be able to build with Cordova 3.5.1 above so I can submit to Google Store. Then I can rewrite a native version but I need to be able to build what I have for now

    #352454 Reply

    Thought I would post an update on our progress. We are planning to have a migration path by mid/late next week using MyEclipse and the PhoneGap build service. We are aware of a couple issues, mainly on iOS, such as media and the status bar issue, but hope to have them resolved soon as well. The PhoneGap Build service will allow you to build with the latest phone gap version!

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