- This topic has 12 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by
robert65MemberHi can you look in to the following issues that I have since downloading Milestone 2
issue 1 No ability to pinch and zoom when in a web page
web pages show “ERROR” at bottom of screen
when pressing a phone number it now remains highlightedI have attached photos of the issues
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support-michaelKeymasterThe implementation of the Designer’s OnClick GotoUrl action is implemented using the Cordova InAppBrowser component. Without seeing the content of the page being loaded I can only make an educated guess at what is goofed. Here is my hypothesis about the page being loaded:
1) the page has meta-tag that set its viewport and zoom level such that it will not pinch/zoom
2) the page uses a standard anchor with tel url, e.g., <a href=”8001234567″>…
The load error msg could be influencing this behavior. Can you share the URL that is being loaded? With it we will know more.
robert65MemberWayne, it affects all URL’S in milestone 2, M1 was fine with no issues, he is the 3.2 version which I went back to check with pinch and zoom working and the url fine
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robert65MemberWayne, should read 2.3 and the screen shot should have been as shown, but all urls were affected
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support-michaelKeymasterOK. Here is what’s up. The Cordova 2.9 uses the InAppBrowser component. The former Cordova 2.2 used the old ChildBrowser plugin which is deprecated. Cordova 2.9/InAppBrowser does not enable the pinch/zoom by default while the old ChildBrowser did. I have opened a bug with the dev team to evaluate this inconsistency of the Goto URL action.
In the meantime a quick workaround is to continue using Cordova 2.9 and replace the Goto URL action with a Run JavaScript action and a snippet of code like this:
window.open( 'http://www.oak-tree-inn.co.uk/', // url to load '_blank', // open in a child window "enableViewportScale=yes"); // options list, enable scaling (pinch/zoom)
See attachment inappbrowser-open-enableviewportscale.png
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robert65MemberWayne thanks for the quick response, can I ask the following is the 2.9 keeping the number highlighted and would it be better to go back to 2.2 as this seems the more stable of the two?
support-michaelKeymasterFor the telephone number formatting, mobile safari will automatically detect and format text that looks like a phone number. Check your settings and ensure that it is disabled in the settings as follows: See attachment tel-format.png
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jeremy450MemberHi Wayne
since the update the fellowing code doesnt allow pinch/zoom
phoneui.showURL(cont2,’_blank’, {showLocationBar: true, showAddress: true, showNavigationBar: true });
i tried the code you said but doesnt work well for me. is it possible to use pinch/zoom for the above code?
support-octavioMemberHi Jeremy,
What Mobione version are you using?
>i tried the code you said but doesnt work well for me
Can you explain a little more the problem, does it show the web app but doesn’t pinch and zoom? Or it doesn’t show the web app?
Have you tried that URL in mobile browser? If yes, does it allow pinch/zoom?
Can you share a sample project that demonstrate the issue?
jeremy450MemberHi Ocavio
when i used 2.5 M1 and used
phoneui.showURL(cont2,’_blank’, {showLocationBar: true, showAddress: true, showNavigationBar: true });i could pinch and zoom, etc
but since running the code in M2
i cant pinch or zoom
and seems a little buggy in loading the address
support-octavioMemberHi Jeremy,
The Cordova 2.9 uses the InAppBrowser component. Have you tried the code Wayne proposed for using InAppBrowser in 2.5M2?
@support-wayne wrote:
window.open( 'http://www.oak-tree-inn.co.uk/', // url to load '_blank', // open in a child window "enableViewportScale=yes"); // options list, enable scaling (pinch/zoom)
Also, see InAppBrowser here: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.9.0/cordova_inappbrowser_inappbrowser.md.html
jeremy450MemberHi octavio
As i said in the previous previous message i have already tried that with no success.
sorry for the late reply.
support-michaelKeymasterhi jeremy,
The phoneui.showUrl() api when used with Cordova 2.9 (this will be default for 2.5 production version) will enable pinch/zoom in the upcoming 2.5 milestone-3 release planned next week. If there is an issue using the InAppBrowser (window.open()) please share more details, specifically a URL that may be problematic to load. We are looking for as many test cases as possible.
(don’t forget to url encode your url parameter if it includes spaces or other special chars).