
Milestone Progress?

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  • #233433 Reply

    Wayne Kidd

    I think that communication with the user community is more important than complete acquiescence to our demands. I am certainlly not looking for a weekly roadmap update. What I want to know is that you have drawn a line in the sand about the next drop. I want to know that you are serious and confident about that line. I want to know what the date is. If I had that, I could plan. If mid-August means mid-September, my life is hell. If Hibernate 3 means no class generation, but dtd support, my life is hell. I would rather not have Tapestry than not be able to use it because it is incomplete.


    #233439 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No doubt Jira is an excellent tool if that is what your team wants to use and most importantly keep it up to date. Right now Jira isn’t the right choice for us but it may become the right choice down the road.

    #233977 Reply



    I do use jira and I was wondering why “Jira isn’t the right choice for us”. Are there any missing features, is it to expensive or du u just don`t have time for setting it up?

    Having a simple jira plugin would be nice too…

    Its just curiosity, since I am often asked what tool to use in my coachings, and Jira is my first choice at the moment.



    btw – did someone have o look on the new xpweb? just wondering if it is beeing used by someone here…

    #233982 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We don’t have any expertise using JIRA nor does anyone on our dev team have experience setting it up, so deploying a completely new tracking sysytem right in the middle of development is lot like walking over to the dev team, and pouring hot coffee in their laps while they are finishing off a 18hr day of coding.

    If we get some down time after 5.0 I’ll pitch the idea and see what everything thinks.

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