
My JSP Editor does not match the one in JSF LoginDemo

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  • #251441 Reply


    After running across a tutorial that used MyEclipse while trying to learn a bit about JSF, I thought I’d download it and try it. I downloaded the ME-4.1.1GA_E3.1ManualInstall.zip file, and installed with no problem.

    I started working my way through the JSF LoginDemo example that is provided.
    When I got to figure 7.3 I was bit dissapointed.

    The example shows double clicking and opening the JSP page in the editor.
    I did that.
    The example shows that at the bottom, there are 4 choices- Source — Design — Design/Source — Preview

    On the pane I opened there is only one choice: Source

    I was able to complete the demo, but it looked like the other tabs on this pane would be good tools to use.

    What do I need to do to get these other tabs on the JSP editor?


    Steve Peacock

    #251451 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Right click on your JSP file and make sure you are opening it with the “MyEclipse JSP Designer”, if you have WTP installed, this will cause conflicts and problems. Same goes for NitroX or Exadel, all these products compete for the same market and overlap in same areas and will lead to confusion if you try and run them together.

    #251471 Reply


    Thanks for the reply. I am using the “My Eclipse JSP Designer”. I even tried the other options to see if that was the issue earlier, the “classic” and the plain JSP Editor.
    I do not have the any of the items that you mention installed. I am fairly new to Eclipse also, but I think the following summarized what plugins I’ve installed in addition to the MyEclipse listed in my original message:
    Clay Database modeler.
    Graphical Editing Framwork
    J2EE Standard Tools (JST)
    JBoss plugin
    SDK for Web Standard Tools (WST)

    I am running Eclipse 3.1.2 on Linux.



    #251478 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is an install issue it sounds like most likely caused by the install of WST. MyEclipse is actually built ontop of WTP (web tools project), so if you install WTP or portions of it along with MyEclipse, you create conflicts and possible API breakages for the MyEclipse product (as we ship the version we are based on). I would suggest a clean install of Eclipse 3.1.2 and MyEclipse 4.1.1, then open your existing Workspace. Then slowly add back Clay, and JBossIDE as you need them. This should give you a working install.

    #251481 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’d like to add to my comment above that a correct install and setup of MyEclipse on Linux should only be the Source and Preview tab, the Design and Split views are Windows only right now, but that will be fixed in MyEclipse 5.0.

    To get the preview tab working, have a look at Section 9 in here:

    #251485 Reply


    I read both post of yours before doing anything. Based on your second post, it sound like I will not see the design or design/source regardless of what steps I take since I’m on the Linux platform.
    So, before re-installing everything, I simply followed the steps in the tutorial that you linked to for setting up the previewer. I followed the steps for setting up the GTK2 based mozilla and wala, I get a preview tab now. No need to re-install everything.

    Thanks for the help,


    #251487 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thanks for reading both posts, the 2nd idea was pointed out to me by a coworker and slipped by mind as to why you weren’t seeing the preview tab, glad it was the easier solution.

    Also the designer will be cross platform in 5.0, sorry for the inconvenience.

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